Sunday, August 21, 2016

Just What Is A Hit?: The Fifteen Best Two Hit Titans of the 80s Part 5: #2 Howard Jones (Finished August 20th, 2016)


So again a refresher course of what I'm doing here. Thanks to for the basis of this blog. My fellow blogger found 15 two hit titans, essentially bands who had two, and no more than three, hit songs. While that's a perfectly good rationale, the question I have is what is a hit? Does it have to land on Billboard's charts, did it have to be well known, did it make a lasting cultural impact? Just what does a song need in order to be a hit? Technically many of Led Zeppelin's songs weren't hits as they weren't released as singles. Although I can't think of a band that has more great songs- no, not the Beatles. For Corey Hart "It Ain't Enough" wasn't a "hit", but does that mean it's not a "hit"? For the purposes of this blog I'm counting any great song a hit, even if it wasn't ever a traditionally defined "hit". Then I went through and ranked all 15 musicians in order according to how many "hit" songs and how much I liked that musician.

Originally Howard Jones was #4 on my rankings. However after listening to music from all 15 bands Ho Jo, as we called him in the 80's, moved up to #2. I'd forgotten how many great songs he had. According to underscoopfire's criteria, Ho Jo's two actual hits were "Things Can Only Get Better" and the absolutely amazing "No One Is To Blame." According to my criteria Jones had 10 hits.

"What Is Love":

"New Song":

"Like To Get To Know You Well":

"Things Can Only Get Better":

"Life In One Day":

"You Know I Love You":

"Everlasting Love":

"Lift Me Up":


"No One Is To Blame":


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