Sunday, July 27, 2014

themusicaddict's review of "The 4400": A Show You Don't Need To Watch


I love having Netflix, it's been so much fun. One thing I like about Netflix is that I can catch up on shows that I've heard a lot of great things about but never saw when they were airing originally. For instance a show like "Battlestar Galactica". Or shows that I watched the first few seasons, but never watched the entire season. For instance "The West Wing". Also there are shows that I wouldn't have heard of without Netflix. In this case that show is "The 4400", a show that somehow lasted for 4 seasons.

"The 4400" isn't the worst show ever, but it's a show that I'm surprised lasted 4 seasons. I only made it through the first 3 hours of Season 1, that was enough for me. By that point I realized there wasn't much new about this show. The Orson Bailey character was awful, seemed like he had been a bully all his life. It's shameful a man that age hadn't learned how to control his temper.

It's a show where I recognize very few of the actors.

The ones I do recognize are Peter Coyote, who has been in dozens of TV shows and movies. Patrick Flueger looked familiar, but I had to look at his Wikipedia page to remind myself where I knew him from. He's one of the cops on "Chicago P.D.", Officer Adam Ruzek. With Laura Allen I had to go to her Wikipedia page as well to remind myself that she was in 2012's "Awake". A much superior series to "The 4400", although it only lasted for 1 season.

And in the episode "The New and Improved Carl Morrissey", the actor playing Morrissey is David Eigenberg. I recognized Eigenberg nearly right away for his role as Christopher Hermann in "Chicago Fire".

These are some of the "stars" that I don't recognize from anywhere else: Joel Gretsch, Jacqueline McKenzie, Mahershalalhashbaz Ali and Kaj Erik-Erikson. All those names produce the following question "Who?" I don't know what that says about this show or the actors, but it's obviously not indicative of quality.

A show that doesn't have a lot of recognizable actors, it makes me wonder how good of actors they are. If a show was on for 4 seasons, shouldn't that show carry those actors to a higher level of recognition? The storytelling isn't very good and either is the special effects. I'll give them a pass on the special effects as I know they can only do so much on a limited budget.

All I know is it's a show I don't need to watch ever again. If Veronica Mars is on Netflix, I think I'll check that one out next. It lasted 3 seasons and produced a Kickstarter launched movie, so I hope it's better than "The 4400".


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