Monday, July 27, 2015

Concert Review of The Band Perry In Wendover, Nevada July 25th, 2015 (Finished July 28th)


The Band Perry are great in concert- in my opinion they are the best country band currently working. I know I sound like an old fart when I say this, but they were too loud. I love loud music, but louder doesn't always mean better. Also Kimberly Perry's mic was set too high. I thought they were going to fix it as the show went on, but they never did.

Again loud music is great, but louder doesn't necessarily mean better.

They said their new single is coming out on August 14th and their third CD is done. Their second CD "Pioneer" is amazing, I'm going to listen to it as I drive to work today. I can't wait to hear their third CD and add it to my collection.

Perhaps as their song library grows they'll continue to add songs to their live set. Hopefully they can get up to a full two hour set. I don't think they should take any covers out of their sets, I love their cover songs. I can The Band Perry are as much of music lovers as I am!

Here's the setlist:

1) "Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight": This song is much slower on the CD, but they rock it out in person.
2) "Gone" Such a great song, see it live in the first song of the video below.
3) "Night Gone Wasted"
4) "You Lie"
5) "I'm A Keeper"
6) "Uptown Funk" (Mark Ronson/Bruno Mars cover) When I got home I bought the original version of this song from iTunes. What a great song and The Band Perry does it justice live.
7) "Hip To My Heart" (short version)
8) "Postcards From Paris"
corny segue way, talking about listening to fans "stories"
9) "All Your Life"
10) "Gentle On My Mind"- a more rocking cover of the Glen Campbell classic
11) "Chainsaw"

The band were allowed to do solos. The influence of the 80's is very strong. A guitarist played "Back In Black", another guitarist soloed on "Beat It", another solo was "Paint It Black" and finally a solo from a who song.

12) "Double Hearts"
13) "Fat Bottomed Girls" (Queen cover)

Encore, I thought it was bizarre the last two songs of their set were about death.

14) "If I Die Young"
15) "Better Dig Two"

Here's a Band Perry concert for your viewing pleasure:

The setlist for the above concert (I hope to finish it tonight):

1) "Done"
2) "Night Gone Wasted"
3) "You Lie"
4) "All Your Life"
5) "I'm A Keeper"
6) "You Better Dance" (not sure)
7) "Chainsaw"
8) "Fat Bottomed Girls"


9) "If I Die Young"
10) "Better Dig Two"


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