Saturday, January 11, 2020

(Finished January 11th, 2020) A Tribute To Neil Peart, Part 1: Peart's Best Lyrics


Neil Peart died on January 7th, 2020, his death was surprisingly obscure. Peart is well known for most of Rush's classic lyrics. He wrote most of Rush's lyrics, but certainly not all.  I don't have the time to track down to wrote which exact lyric, thus I'm giving the bulk of the credit to Peart. In those cases where that's incorrect, I apologize to all. Also according to Rolling Stone Peart is the fourth greatest drummer of all time. For the record Rolling Stone has Ginger Baker at #3, Keith Moon at #2 and the thunder of the gods John Bonham at #1. Lyrics are from

In the high school halls
In the shopping malls
Conform or be cast out
In the basement bars
In the backs of cars
Be cool or be cast out"


This song has such great lyrics and is a hell of a fine song. From "Limelight":

"Living in a fisheye lens
Caught in the camera eye
I have no heart to lie
I can't pretend a stranger
is a long-awaited friend"



"You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice
You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill
I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose freewill"


"New World Man":

And learn to mend the mess he makes
He's old enough to know what's right
But young enough not to choose it
He's noble enough to win the world
But weak enough to lose it
He's a new world man":

"New World Man":

"Time Stand Still":

"Summer's going fast, nights growing colder
Children growing up, old friends growing older
Freeze this moment a little bit longer
Make each sensation a little bit stronger":

"Time Stand Still":

"Tom Sawyer":

"No, his mind is not for rent
To any god or government
Always hopeful, yet discontent
He knows changes aren't permanent
But change is":

"Tom Sawyer":

This song apparently is about the holocaust "Red Sector A":

"I hear the sound of gunfire at the prison gate
Are the liberators here?
Do I hope or do I fear?
For my father and my brother, it's too late
But I must help my mother stand up straight
Are we the last ones left alive?
Are we the only human beings to survive?"

"Red Sector A":

"Red Barchetta":

I strip away the old debris
That hides a shining car
A brilliant red Barchetta
From a better, vanished time
We fire up the willing engine
Responding with a roar
Tires spitting gravel
I commit my weekly crime"

"Red Barchetta":

"The Spirit of Radio":

"All this machinery making modern music
Can still be open-hearted
Not so coldly charted
It's really just a question of your honesty
Yeah, your honesty
One likes to believe in the freedom of music
But glittering prizes
And endless compromises
Shatter the illusion of integrity, yeah"

Part of the classic washing machine video series. "The Spirit of Radio":


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