Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The All Guns n' Roses post almost


I hope you have your copy of "Chinese Democracy" by now. If you don't go out and get it! The reviews have been mixed with an average of about a B-. I don't have an official grade yet, I have just started listening to it with an intent to review it. Here are some quick thoughts "Chinese Democracy" is a great song but it runs about 90seconds too long. "Better" is a great, great pop/rock song with a great hook. I also am liking the song "Street of Dreams", although I have not given it a full listen yet. I also am a big fan of the power ballad "Sorry".

So far there is no video for any song from "Chinese Democracy". Also a miracle happened, not only was this CD released but gunsnroses.com was actually updated! They have one of their staffers review "Chinese Democracy" plus an excerpt from Rolling Stone's review. They also have the Boston Herald's review. Not surprisingly they only have positive reveiws on their website. Their website also promises a new on-line shop coming soon.

I was very unimpressed with Best Buy's advertising for this CD, even though they have a near exclusive rights to sell it. Did they not realize they had one of the most anticipated releases of the last several years in their grasp. They just have two small mentions in their weekly ad. Maybe they thought it was getting enough publicity already or maybe it has to do with their recent financial difficulties. rollingstone.com has an interesting article about the reaction at Best Buy on the first day this CD was for sale there.

MySpace Music is no longer playing all 14 songs in their entirety. They are playing snippets of selected songs now. When MySpace Music was playing "Chinese Democracy" in it's entirety, they had 3 million people listen to it in one day. If you want to listen to the whole thing, you need to buy it. It's easily worth $11.(themusicaddict does not support getting it free from anywhere- the musicians have the right to earn a living.)

Also very disappointingly Guns n' Roses is not the cover subject of the next issue of Rolling Stone. Wait for it, it is Brittani Spears in their annual hot issue. She definitely is hotter than Axl Rose, but whose music is going to be more enduring? She is looking good though, and for her almost wholesome. One more thing Carrie Underwood performed in SLC last Wednesday. She covered Guns n' Roses "Paradise City" and apparantally did a good job with it.

In the upcoming few days I will be back with a full review of "Chinese Democracy". On to other news. Today's video of the day is "Another Way To Die", the new Jack White and Alicia Keys song. I did not know how this song would work but it actually does. Although I am sure that Jack White wrote this song with the idea in mind that he could meet Alicia Keys. She definitely is one of the hottest female musicians currently.

Some quick tour news, both No Doubt and Motley Crue are set to go out on tour again. No Doubt is going to be ending their five year hiatus by going on tour in 2009. Also according to their official website they are going to be headlining the Bamboozle festival. No Doubt will be headlining the May 3rd, 2009 night of the two day Bamboozle festival. This is the largest music fesitival in New York City.

Motley Crue will be starting a 30 date tour starting February 2nd in San Diego, Ca. They will be bringing Hinder and Theory of a Dead Man with them on tour. Also on tour will be contest winners The Last Vegas. (Hinder and Theory of a Deadman won't be playing at all shows.) This is the Saints of Los Angeles 2009 Tour. Also after a short break following that tour, they will be having their second annual Crue Fest this summer. It is good to have the boys back, now come to Salt Lake City please. (Thanks both to billboard.com and Motley Crue's official website.)

If you don't hear from me again, have a Happy Thanksgiving! I hopefully will be back one or two more times this week, themusicaddict

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