Saturday, February 1, 2020

(Updated February 1st, 2020) The Best Songs 2010-2019 Part 14: Songs 261-277


This started out as the best mellow of the decade just ending and then it started to expand into the best songs of 2010-2019. These songs are in no particular order. And I've expanded way beyond the best mellow songs to the best songs of 2010-2019. I was trying to resist going with the best songs from 2010-2019. However I've given up on that, now it's just the best songs.

As these blogs continue on I'm going to try and diversify the genres in each one of these blogs. This is too many songs from too few bands.

261) Foxy Shazam "Wasted Feelings":

262) Foxy Shazam "Holy Touch":

263) Kelly Clarkson "Tightrope":

264) Duran Duran featuring Janelle Monae "Pressure Off":

265) Janelle Monae "Tightrope":

266) Fun. featuring Janelle Monae "We Are Young":

267) Fun. "Carry On":

268) Night Ranger "Running Out Of Time":

269) Night Ranger "St. Bartholomew":

270) Night Ranger "Hang On":

271) Night Ranger "I'm Coming Home":
272) Masked Intruder "If Only":
273) Interrupters "So Wrong":
274) Interrupters "Leap of Faith":
275) Interrupters "Broken World":
276) Interrupters "Outrage":
277) Interrupters "Room With A View":


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