Sunday, September 6, 2020

(Finished September 7th, 2020) The Glory Days of MTV 1981-1985, Part 6: Songs 101-120


Imagine if you will a hot summer, back when time moved slowly, no driver's license and not much to do. Imagine if there's a really new innovation called cable TV, but honestly there's not that much to watch. Let's fast forward to August 1st, 1981 when MTV first started. Now imagine that you don't have access to MTV but you hear a lot about how cool it is. Sure there are a couple of other places to watch videos, but they're not 24 hours. Finally a year or two later there you are on that hot summer day watching video after video on MTV and absolutely love it. Although these blogs are focusing on 1981-1985, I will include videos from before if they were also memorable. Now almost 40 years later on this hot summer day imagine this is that long ago hot summer day and enjoy....

Sometimes I'm not sure what the original video or I can't find the original video, but I did my best.

A&E is starting a series on Tuesday called "I Want My MTV", here's a trailer.

To tie in with that I'm continuing my series of the the glory days of MTV 1981-1985. I have enough songs for at least 12 of these blogs and there are dozens of songs that I haven't discovered yet.

It seems there wasn't a video for this song, but there should have been!
101) The Manhattan Transfer "The Boy From New York City":

It seems there was an official video for this song, but I didn't know anything about that video. Although this is a fan made video, this is similar to the original video I remember.
Stone cold classic video. 102) Jan Hammer "Miami Vice Theme":

Stone cold classic video. 103) Philip Bailey featuring Phil Collins "Easy Lover":

104) The Go-Go's "Head Over Heels":

Stone cold classic, this song left a very big impact on my impressionable teenage mind.
105) The Eurythmics "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of These)":

This is a very under rated song. 106) Laura Branigan "Self Control":

Stone cold classic. 107) Simple Minds "Don't You Forget About Me":

108) Foreigner "I Want To Know What Love Is":

Literally one of the worst videos ever. 109) Billy Squier "Rock Me Tonite":

110) Madonna "Lucky Star":

111) The Cars "You Might Think":

112) Sheena Easton "For Your Eyes Only":

113) James Ingram and Michael McDonald "Yah Mo B There":

Stone cold classic. 114) Ratt "Round and Round":

115) The Stray Cats "She's Sexy + 17":

116) John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band "On The Dark Side":

Stone cold classic video. 117) Peter Schilling "Major Tom":

Stone cold classic video. 118) "Bryan Adams "Heaven":

119) Ready For The World "Oh Sheila":

Stone cold classic video. 120) The Honeydrippers "Sea of Love":


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