Friday, April 12, 2024

(Finished April 12th, 2024) The A's Of My iPod


I'm one of those old people that haven't quite caught up with all the technology and just don't care who knows. 😁 I go walking with my iPod Nano and not a phone. I just want to listen to my music and not have to worry about anything else.

I have no need to impress anyone. I like the technology that I use. I have an old school iPod Nano, it's still running after 14 years of service. It holds about the perfect amount of songs, not too many and not too few.

The other day on my morning walk I accidentally set it to play artists starting with the letter a. So many great songs were played- as always, it is my iPod and I pick songs that I love-and I thought this would make a great blog topic. If an artist is a solo singer they are categorized alphabetically by their first name- in case your OCC gets triggered.

1) AC/DC "TNT":

If you had asked me if I had ever heard of this band I would have said "no". However it seems I have heard of them and in fact have one of their songs on my iTunes. I love this quirky little song. 2) The Accidentals "Earthbound":

I'm intrigued by this song, let's check out a few more songs by The Accidentals. "What A Waste":

The Accidentals "Go-Getter":

A cover of the Blondie classic by The Accidentals This cover takes a few seconds to heat up, but then it really kicks into gear. I love how The Accidentals have put a rock sheen on this disco classic. "Heart of Glass":

3) Aerosmith "Dream On":

4) AFI "Anxious":

5) Air Supply "Making Love Out of Nothing At All":

6) Alan Jackson "She's Got The Rhythm (I Got The Blues)":

7) The Alarm "The Stand":

8) Alice In Chains "Grind":

9) Alice In Chains "Again":

10) Alice Merton "Same Team":

11) Alison Moyet "Invisible":

12) The All-American Rejects "Swing Swing":

13) Amanda Seyfried, Samantha Barks and Eddie Redmayne "In My Life/ A Heart Full of Love":

The former Duran Duran member makes his own music. 14) Andy Taylor "A Man's A Wolf To Man":

15) The Angels "My Boyfriend's Back":

Hopefully I'll be seeing the touring production of "Les Miserables" in 2025 and I'm going through a "Les Mis" phase. 16) Anne Hathaway "I Dreamed A Dream":

17) Arcade Fire "Crown of Love":

18) Arcade Fire "Lightning 1,2":

19) Avantasia "Draconian Love":

20) Ayron Jones "Baptized In Muddy Waters":


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