Friday, May 23, 2008

"AI" Season Finale Review 80's Night.

Hello folks,

This is my first review of the "AI" season finale. Tonight's show started off with one of those lame group numbers. They have to get rid of these for Season 8. (That is just one of my many reccomendations coming Sunday.) They are always a lowlight of each show. Just look at the dread in the eyes of Amanda and Jason as they have to do those stupid dances. Then talented David and little david came on the stage and sang Chad Kroeger's "Hero". That was pretty good. "The Love Guru" promo was painful for the most part, although him teasing little david about puberty was funny. (Don't worry I am sure his daddy is going to explain it to him.)

So that was a relatively painful 20 minutes then thankfully it was time for some great performances. Syesha and Seal then came on and sang Seal's song "Waiting For You". First of all I thought Syesha was great and she looks like a star. Seal also sounded good, his voice is so good. That was a great duet. Every time I see Syesha perform I think she can be a really big star. However I wish it would have been a David Cook-Syesha finale. Also I think Syesha should stick with one name.

I don't have the show in exact order, somewhere in here Brooke White sang "Teach Your Children" with Graham Nash. That has got to be a top 1000 greatest songs of all-time. Brooke absolutely nailed it. (BTW one of Brooke's songs from her previously released CD "Songs In The Addict" is available for free at It will be available until Monday. The song is titled "Come To My Rescue" and it is a pretty good song.) Also I have to add Brooke White's "I Am...I Said" to the list of transcendent songs from this season. One of only three from this season. Although Carly Smithson's "Crazy on You" was pretty good. That was when I started be a big Carly fan.

Then singing of the three transcendent songs again it is Jason Castro. I think his "Hallelujah" was even better the second time. That song deserved be sang again unlike little david's boring, overcooked "Imagine". That is partially why you lost little david, you are just a niche singer. It is not a niche that is very exciting either. I mean it is the finals take a chance, that is exactly why you will never be a big star.

They then gave the Davids their new vehicles. Then the 6 female contestants had to perform another group number. This time it was to Donna Summer's "She Works Hard For The Money". This is one of the many 80's references. (Poor Amanda had to dance again, "AI" producers please stop torturing that women.) Then a disoriented looking Donna Summer came on the stage, she looked like she was really struggling. (Don't mock Donna Summer for being disoriented, it worked for Paula Abdul). Thankfully Syesha came in to save her, she sang the Summer classic better than Summer herself. I think tonight's finale highlighted Syesha more than anyone except for David Cook. Unfortunately we had to suffer through Ryan attempting to dance.

Next up is Carly (yeah!) and Michael Johns singing a rockin' version of "The Letter". Jimmy Kimmel then came out and eviscerated Sanjaya (isn't his 15 minutes of fame over with?), Paula Abdul and Ryan Seacrest. Kimmel is a breath of fresh air on that show. He is funny and makes sure no one takes themselves too seriously which is a big chore especially with Simon Cowell around.

Now they made the men perform another lame group number, singing and dancing to Bryan Adams' "Summer of '69" and "Heaven". (It is good to see David Hernandez again, he was kicked off the show much too early.) Hey look it's another 80's artist. Then the man himself came out and sang some song I have never heard of. Then in the most bizarre performance of the night, David Cook sang "Sharp Dressed Man" with ZZ Topp. That was okay but ZZ Topp singing as David Cook's backup band, that was a bit weird. (That makes me wonder wasn't Hanson available to be little david's backup band.)

Then they show the bad contestants, the miserable Alexis Cohen and that guy singing the Moses song. Both of them are so awful that they are hilarious. Then of course they had to have Renaldo come out and sing, "I Am Your Brother". Wasn't that also a little bizarre, they didn't do that for ratings. Renaldo must have some pictures of either Simon or Ryan doing something embarrasing.

Then Archie sang "Apologize" with the original band who sang it. I am too lazy to look up the name of the original band. Then Jordin Sparks took the stage and she was okay. I really like her. Although I would have really liked to see Melinda Doolittle as well. The only Season 6 performers that received screen time on this season's "AI" were Blake Lewis (lame) and Jordin Sparks. Then they had Gladys Knight with "The Pips". BTW "Midnight Train to Georgia" is one of the greatest songs of all-time as well. Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Robert Downey Jr. were the Pips, they are promoting their upcoming movie "Tropic Thunder". That was much more tasteful than the lame "Love Guru" promotion. That promo actually made me want to see "The Love Guru" even less and I wasn't real excited about it anyway.

Then in my personal highlight of the night, Carrie Underwood came on the stage and sang. ("AI" producers give her some money, she can't afford any clothes.) Ms. Underwood is gorgeous and a great singer. (Allegedly Tony Romo was dating her at one time and he gave her up for Jessica Simpson? Oh I understand where the bad karma came from that knocked the Cowboys out of the playoffs.) So the song she sang "Last Name", doesn't that sound a lot like "Before He Cheats". While watching her sing I was thinking I would like to see her concert the next time she comes to town.

Then they showed the lame Archie commercial. Surfing the 'net yesterday, I don't know how many Chris Hansen jokes I read in regards to that commercial. Him being in his underwear is very unseemly though, isn't it. The David Cook commercial seemed to be more believeable. The kind of commercials Archie should do are the kind that would appear on Disney Channel.

Then they had to have another 80's artist/ group performance with George Michael. I was disappointed with George Michael, was I the only one?

Now it is time for the big announcement, David Cook is your next "American Idol". In the convincing victory he was gracious as always while archie stammers for something to say. (Reason 6 million and 4 while Archie will never be a big star.) Then David Cook was forced to sing, uh I mean given the excellent song, "This is Your Moment". That is a song that he will now have to live down for the rest of his career and may it be a long career. In a nice touch the other 11 finalists surrounded him as he sang the song. As of this morning David Cook had the top four songs on the iTunes list of singles. I think we may have a star on our hands.

I know I am leaving out some things, so I am going to try and watch the "AI" season finale again. So I will probably be tweaking this post on Sunday. Also on Sunday I have some reccomendations for how "AI" can improve going forward. One reccomendation I would make is to come to Salt Lake City for the tryouts. Singing is such a cultural thing here in Salt Lake City. I then found out that the tryouts will be coming to Salt Lake City, I don't think they will be disappointed.
Have a great weekend, themusicaddict.

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