Sunday, May 11, 2008

I'm back!

Hello fine folks,

Well it has been a very sad week at themusicaddict's house this week. Yesterday we had the funeral for my sister-in-law. She was 25 years old and left behind two little daughters: 18 months and 3 months. Luckily they have a good Dad and a strong support system, so they will be fine. It just is so sad to me that Ashley was such a good mother. Now she and her two daughters are going to go without all those wonderful experiences they would have had together the next several years. Rest in peace. Nathan if you need anything just give us a call. Our prayers are with you.

So there have been some things going on in the music world this past week. First we will deal with all the "American Idol" stuff first. As I am sure you have already heard TCWCBN's puppetmaster, uh I mean Dad, has had his backstage pass revoked. Apparantally he was being too meddlesome. So what will he do without the backing of his daddy. We only have three contestants left and they each will be singing 3 songs on Tuesday. Out of the three songs apparantally the producers will be picking two of the songs, so that will be a definite challenge for all the contestants. So it will interesting to see what kind of impact this will have on TCWCBN. Here's the link:

This week David Cook was mediocre. Apparantally I am in the minority because I liked his "Hungry Like The Wolf" a lot more than his "Baba O' Riley". (That's the teenage wasteland song.) I was expecting him to kick butt at the end of the Who classic. The contestant that was eliminated this week was Jason Castro. I read the reviews about his performances and so I was not expecting much. But I actually liked his "I Shot The Sheriff" quite a bit. (That song and Syesha Mercado's "Proud Mary" are two most download worthy songs this week.) "Sheriff" is one of the all-time great songs. Bob Marley's original is the best. (If you haven't bought his double CD greatest hits "Gold" yet you need to go buy it asap.) However Eric Clapton's version is also very good and I think Jason Castro can add his name to that electric duo. I really liked Syesha Mercado again. Again I really loved her "Proud Mary", she sang it well and she had fun with it. She has broken out of that nearly all ballad roll she was on. I did not like her "A Change Is Going To Come" though. I thought it was dreadfully boring. I am hoping that she can sneak into the top two with David Cook. With 51 million votes cast, there were only 1 million votes seperating the top 3 contestants. So anything is possible.

Also here's a quick review of the new Nine Inch Nails CD, "The Slip". Again this CD is available for free at So my question: is this CD worth the cost? My answer just barely. "The Slip" has 10 songs on it. About 7 of the songs are instrumental, I don't want to waste the time going back and verifying that.
A lot of the songs are too long that just drone on without any new ideas. The worst example of this is "Corona Radiata", it is basically 7:33 of very mellow, instrumental and boring music. The three best songs are "Discipline", "Echoplex", and "Head Down". If you are a hard core NIN fan get it. However if you aren't don't waste your time.

I listened to this CD on my iPod. Three other songs that I listened to on my iPod that night I would highly reccomend as better songs to listen to. They are Aly & AJ's "Potential Breakup Song", All-American Rejects "Dirty Little Secret" and Dire Straits "Romeo and Juliet". That song is one of the most beautiful songs of all-time.

Also for those of you in England that take the Daily Mail paper, Paul McCartney is giving away his most recent CD, "Memory Almost Full" in the Sunday edition. Prince did the same thing about a year ago. For those of you looking for a cheap CD, I am sure some people are selling it on

Two other quick reccomendations: 1) Sounds of Blackness. This is one of those bands that I discovered by downloading any free mp3 I could get. I was able to get three of their songs free at They are a rap/soul band and they are very good. Also I highly reccomend the new Raconteurs CD, "Consolers of the Lonely". This CD is rock and roll at it's finest. One excellent rock song after another. I almost like this band as much as Jack White's other band, The White Stripes.

I will have a lot more time this week, so I will be blogging at least 4 times this week. Have a great week and remember to tell those important people in your lives that you love them. Also hug your mother. Then when those two things are accomplished go and buy Bob Marley's "Gold". Peace, themusicaddict

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