Monday, October 12, 2015

themusicaddict Reviews: "The Martian" and Television (Updated October 20th, 2015)


1) "The Martian"- the book is great, the movie is great and overall a great story. For me it's all about the story. Special effects are cool, but they are empty without a solid story. Although fictional, this story gives one hope that the citizens of Earth can unite and make this world better. I loved how the story has both a lot of great humor, but also a lot of poignant moments. Matt Damon is great as are all the other actors. Andy Weir's book is the solid foundation that other very creative minds build on to make an overall very satisfying experience.

My only complaint is the implausibility of the ending. Mark Watney survived so much through his own ingenuity on the surface of Mars. I loved Watney's snarky sense-of-humor and how he kept that as he faced each challenge. I don't know how to put it eloquently, but it seems like there were just too many things thrown at him that when he finally got to the MAV (Mars Ascent Vehicle) that those things should have stopped at some point. I get it that life isn't like that, but fiction can be. But that's one exceedingly small complaint in overall extremely entertaining piece of fiction.


2) "Public Morals" (through 8 episodes) So much of modern television is sex scenes, again I wish this trend would stop. Thankfully "Public Morals" isn't as graphic as shows like "The Bridge". The sex scenes and way too much violence and I just had to stop watching that show. This is for the most part a great show. Edward Burns does a good job on this show with so many great actors. I also like Michael Rapaport's morally conflicted cop. Also for a cop he's sure slow in figuring out that Katrina Bowden's "Fortune" likes him. Overall a pretty good show. It's entertaining, but doesn't make me have to think too much. When I watch TV I usually just want to relax. Grade: B-

3) "Quantico" (through 3 episodes) This show stars Priyanka Chopra and her two boobs. Seriously her boobs get more screen time than many of the other characters. The storyline is ridiculous and full of cliches. I have a feeling the ending will not be satisfying. Despite all that I keep on coming back. Again a lot to be said for not making me think too much, although out of all the shows I watch it's my fourth or fifth show to watch. Grade: C

4) "The Grinder" (through 3 episodes) Rob Lowe is great in this, as well as many of the other actors including Fred Savage. I also Natalie Morales spunk as the show's requisite eye candy. Another thing I like about watching TV is laughing, which this show has made me do several times. Lowe is great, but his smarmy Dean Sanderson is getting a bit tiresome. Also why doesn't a successful TV star able to afford his own home? Grade: B- but this show is starting to show some cracks.

5) "Homeland" Season 5 (through 2 episodes) Despite Stephen Colbert's well deserved mocking of this show, I still love it. Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison and Mandy Patinkin as Saul Berenson are still great. They are two terrific actors playing very meaty characters. The storyline about having Peter Quinn (a very good Rupert Friend) killing Mathison rings a bit lame though. I do like how the show is now based in Germany, but still deals with very relevant Middle Eastern topics. Just a great show all around. Season 4 started out strong, only to end on a blase note. Thus my cautiously optimistic grade: B.

6) "Mr. Robot" (through 3 episodes): One of the best pilots I've ever seen, the second episode was a bit meh. However "Mr. Robot" came completely off the rails in the third episode. Using the whole we can find out whatever we want by having sex with people in the know. Again and the sex is graphic, which to many of us is off putting. To quote "One Night In Bangkok", "I get my kicks above the waste line sunshine". One of the reasons I got tired of "How To Get Away With Murder" is because that the trading sex for information plot was overused in so many of Season 1's episodes. The Pilot: A, Episode 2: C, Episode 3: F and the show became unwatchable for me at that point. Although I do find the premise so very intriguing and the show did receive a lot of great reviews. Grade: D- but I'll possibly finish watching Season 1 someday.

7) "Zoo" (through 6 episodes) A good enough show, may be a little slow for Mensa members. But it's good enough for me. Not the greatest show ever, but also not the worst show ever. A nice light trifle. James Wolk doesn't quite have what's needed to be a leading actor, he's better as a supporting Bob Benson like character. Billy Burke, doesn't he seem to be in every TV series, isn't my favorite actor. However he's much better and much more likable than the lame character he played in the lame "Revolution"- truly one of the dumbest shows of the last several years. Someone please let me know how that completely stupid show got a second season? Anyway "Zoo" is a much better show. With all the other shows I'm watching, this has been pushed a bit to the side a bit. Grade: C


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