Thursday, November 26, 2020

(Started November 26th, 2020) The Best Music of 1996 & 2016, Part 3: Songs 35-53


I watched the first two episodes of the 2016 show "Frequency". The time travel show runs along two different timelines, in 1996 and 2016. It also has a very well selected soundtrack- most of those great songs were released in either 1996 or 2016. I realized how many great songs were released those years. There are some great slow jams, plus some great rock songs and a bunch of other interesting songs from multiple genres and with multiple tempos. Some of these songs may not be from 1996 or 2016, but you can still enjoy them just the same.

35) Seal "Don't Cry":

36) Lonestar "No News":

37) Diamond Rio "Walkin' Away":

38) Collin Raye "I Think About You":

39) Mindy McCready "Ten Thousands Angels":

40) Terri Clark "Poor Poor Pitiful Me":

41) Brendan Benson "Sittin' Pretty":

42) The Cardigans "Lovefool":

43) The Counting Crows "Goodnight Elisabeth":

44) Fiona Apple "Criminal":

45) Hooverphonic "Eden":

46) "Not An Addict":

47) Matchbox Twenty "Push":

48) King Nothing

49) Pearl Jam Red Mosquito

50) Super Bon Bon

51) Bryan Adams "18 'Til I Die":

52) Donna Lewis "I Love You Always Forever":

53) C + C Music Factory "Just A Touch of Love Everyday":

54) twenty one pilots "Stressed Out":

55) Lukas Graham "7 Years":

56) Pink "Just Like Fire":

57) Elle King "Exes and Ohs":

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