Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jacksonville, Fla Part 1


I'm sorry I am behind on my postings, I am working a lot of hours this week. I have a lot less time than usual. Just some quick notes, tonight (Thursday, Jan 29th) is the last episode of the audition rounds. It is a combined 1 hour show from New York and San Juan, Puerto Rico. I have heard that the auditions from San Juan were terrible, can they be any worse than San Francisco? By my count 33 more golden tickets come out of these two cities. So it can't be too bad.

Tonight while watching the show, look out for Kendell Beard. She is rumored to have made the Top 36, which in real time was just apparently decided. Once they get to the Final 36, the public then gets to decide who advances. This is a change from last year when the public started voting with the Final 24. There are also going to be four episodes, starting Tuesday, dedicated to the Hollywood rounds. It looks like there is going to be some great drama going on.

Tuesday night's auditions were from Jacksonville, Fla.

1) Josh Ulloa- he says he looks like Justin Guarini. I say who cares as this is a singing competition. Ulloa sang Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On". He was goofy but I really like him.

2) Sharon Wilbur: she sang The Carpenters "Superstar". I like her voice. She is the woman that brought her dog with her, and had the dog sit on Simon's lap. In my opinion, "Superstar" is one of the best songs ever. The Carpenters version is great, the Smashing Pumpkins version is great and I even liked the version sang by Danny Noreiga on last year's show.

I am really nervous about what the big surprise is once "AI" gets to it's Top 12. I am afraid it is going to be something I really dislike. If I could choose what the big surprise is, I would hope that they let the judges add contestants who didn't make it to Hollywood. I have two people who I liked. One was Jacksonville auditioner Michael Perelli. He was a bit of a cryer, but I liked his version of Third Eye Blind's "Jumper". Then there was someone from Salt Lake City that I really, really liked. His name is Chris Kirkham. I really liked his version of Del Amitri's "Roll To Me" and the brief snippet of his "Ain't No Mountain High Enough". He was really hurt by his friend coming with him in a bunny suit (and there were no "A Christmas Story" jokes). I liked him a lot better than Austin Cisneros who made it through to Hollywood.

Well unfortunately that is it for now. If you forget who some of these singers are and want a refresher go to She has all their auditions organized by city, you can see them again and again.


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