Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jacksonville, Fla Part 3


Thanks to and Michael Slezak for bringing this to my attention. Apparently Frankie Jordan let slip that she is still on the show. That would seem to counteract the Top 36 list leaked earlier in the day to Obviously you have to take that list with a grain of salt, but you also have to take with a grain of salt anything you read on Time will tell.

Here is the final segment of the Jacksonville audition review.

9) George Ramirez: he's the bearded, socially awkward person. Seemingly a smart guy but not much common sense. His performance of Katrina and the Waves "Walking on Sunshine" was so memorable that I have forgot it. I had to go to and check out his audition. He sang "Walking" so badly that I could not even recognize the song. Also Ramirez was included in the humiliation clip shown later in the show.

10) Ann Marie Boskovich: Simon sent her out of the room to come up with a star persona. She changed a few things and came back. She sounds good, they can always take care of her look in Hollywood. I like her version of Colbie Caillat's "Bubbly". According to the list leaked to Boskovich has made the Top 36.

11) T.K. Hash this is the second year in a row he has audtioned. He oversang John Lennon's "Imagine". He made it to Hollywood but thankfully no further.

12) Michael Perelli: He was the overly emotional singer who broke down before he even went into the auditions. He was not comfortable performing without his guitar. No to Hollywood but I liked his voice and his take of Third Eye Blind's "Jumper". (BTW whatever happened to Third Eye Blind? There first CD was one of the best CD's of the 90's) Try again next year Michael.

Regarding my recent picture of the gorgeous Katherine McPhee, I forgot to credit that to where I got it from. The credit goes to Thanks for the great picture that made my blog look so good that day:)

Next up is the Salt Lake City auditions. I am going to try and post my whole blog entry for that tomorrow. In the meantime have a great weekend, themusicaddict

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