Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama is the Bomb!


A quick blog today. I want to write about Barack Obama and all the great things he has done as President already. Today is his fifth day and his fourth full day as President. The following is some of what Obama has done already or set in motion.

1) In light of recent economic times, he has frozen top White House aides salaries. Granted this is mostly a symbolic change, but it is nice to see someone else have to bite the bullet, albeit a golden bullet.

2) Obama also signed an order to close Guantanamo Bay within a year. A sign Obama is breaking away from the paranoia that surrounded the Bush/Cheney Presidency. (Or is it the Cheney/Bush Presidency, sometimes it was hard to tell.) Maybe Obama can also get rid of Homeland Security and it's wiretapping ways.

3) One of our smartest Americans, Hilary Clinton, has been named as his Secretary of State. To name someone who you contested with in the primaries added to your Presidential cabinet is a sign of a very mature leader. Obama said he was been inspired by Doris Kearns Goodwin's "Team of Rivals"- a book about Lincoln's Presidential cabinet. Lincoln surrounded himself with very smart people, some of who were rivals.

4) He also orders easier access to public records, revoking a law that was signed into effect by President Bush in 2001. This will give the public access to more information about the Bush/Cheney Presidency among other things. It will be interesting to get a better idea of all the crap they pulled. That information will come out over the next several years.

5) Also even before he took office he has been pushing for another economic stimulus plan. I don't know how effective these plans are. But what I like is how decisive he is about getting what he thinks needs to be done relatively quickly.

6) Then of all of these, this next one is the least important. Obama has been pushing for a college football playoff system. I wholeheartedly support him on this issue. Like college basketball, it is time for a true national champion. The college basketball March Madness is the most exciting sports event each year. Right now we have the BCS (an acronym for bull crap system) and their artificial national championship. I as a University of Utah alum would have loved to seen the Utes battle Florida for a real National Championship.

I will be back tomorrow with a much more music related blog. Just a taste of that, it sounds like Joanna Pacitti has made the Top 36. She is very talented and she is someone I could cheer for. She is the person who had a recording contract with A&M and played Annie at the age of 11 until she was fired. That is again a rumor, so take it for what it is worth.

Have a good weekend, themusicaddict

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