Monday, August 3, 2009

A brief update


As you know I'm making a Top ? list of the all-time greatest soundtracks. I have thought of a few to add to my list. I'm just making up a quick list right now and then I'm going to rank them in a while. Here are the new soundtracks: "The Song Remains The Same", "Singles", "Who Made Who" (the actual movie is called "Maximum Overdrive"), "Under The Cherry Moon" (yes another Prince soundtrack). That soundtrack is actually called "Parade".

Other soundtracks include: "Armageddon", "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" and "Twilight". As I'm typing this list I'm realizing how bad some of these movies are. Of course that doesn't include "Fast Times At Ridgemont High", that is a movie that deserves it's classic status.

However "Who Made Who" ("Maximum Overdrive" is the actual name of the movie.)and "Armageddon" are two of the worst movies ever. For me "Armageddon" was so boring I couldn't even watch the whole thing. That truly was a turd of a movie. Then with "Who Made Who", someone let Stephen King direct a movie,. That was a terrible mistake. He said he would never direct after that again, and the world thanks him. King's talents are his writing, stick with that Steve. He did make one good decision in having a whole soundtrack with only classic AC/DC songs. (Thanks to for some information about these soundtracks. Wikipedia rules!)

"Purple Rain" remains my #1 CD by far, every song on that CD is fantastic. This is one of the best drive CDs ever. He could have chopped about 4 minutes off of the song "Purple Rain" and about 30 seconds off of "Darling Nikki" and the CD would be perfect. Although I have a feeling the record company bosses told him they wanted a certain amount of music, and this was his way of sticking it to the man. Just a guess.

After watching the miniseries and the first four episodes of Season One, here are some random "Battlestar Galactica" thoughts. Is the number 6 Cylon we see tempting Gaius a rogue Cylon, is that why she is helping Gaius? Is her copy unique from the other Number 6 Cylons? Are the copies of these Cylons unlimited? Where are the other human shaped clones? By my count there are 8 that haven't been revealed yet. How long have these human looking Cylons been around? What were the Cylons doing in the 40 years when they left the humans alone? Obviously they needed some of that time to plant the human looking Cylons. I'm hoping to watch the next 4 episodes of "Battlestar Galactica" tomorrow.


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