Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Mixx Experiment Goes On


I continue listening to the local radio station Mixx 107.9. I was much more encouraged with the results. I didn't hear any lame rapping over songs or any Ke$ha songs. Both of those are good things.

I did hear songs more like I expected. I heard Allison Iraheta's "Don't Waste The Pretty". I love, love Allison Iraheta. Although dear Mixx dee jay, her last name is pronounced iraheeta, not irahota. They also played Lady Gaga's "Poker Face", Katy Perry's "California Girls" and Lady Antebellum's "Need You Now." Yes I know I thought that was a bit weird as well, but a great song is a great song. And that is a great song. It also sounds like it's a pop mix. Unless there's something amazing coming down the pipe, I nominate "Need You Now" as song of the year.

Here's the Allison Iraheta- Orianthi "Don't Waste The Pretty".

I also heard Hinder's "Lips of An Angel". If it wasn't for Lee Dewyze on "American Idol", that would have been the first time I ever had heard that song today. That's exactly why I'm listening to the radio now. They also played the amazing "Please Don't Leave Me" by Pink. A much better MIXX of music today on the MIXX. Keep it up.

A couple of other quick things. On amazon.com I came across the discussion titled "10 song titles about..." then pick a random word. I'm a geek (Yes, kids I know that. You don't need to tell me again.) so I've been entertained by this. I suggested the word "math" and someone actually came up with 10 songs with the word math in it. The only "math" song I could think of is The White Stripes' "Black Math". Wanna play? go to http://www.amazon.com/tag/pop/forum/ref=cm_cd_NOREF?_encoding=UTF8&cdForum=Fx3U4VU9LZIWOFY&cdPage=385&newContentNum=9605&cdMSG=addedToThread&cdSort=oldest&cdThread=Tx1FSCXQAB72FRR&newContentID=Mx3NR1LSYQEZY4W#CustomerDiscussionsNRPB

I have picked the next word, it's "sports", since I can't think of any song with the word "sports" in it, I suggested they could use songs about sports. An example is "Centerfield" by John Fogerty. The only music title with "sports" in it I could think of is the 80's Huey Lewis and the News CD, or was it an album back then? Anyway I had to change it to shadow. Even googling song titles with sports in it I couldn't come up with any songs.

Also iTunes song of the week is Dragonette's "Pick Up The Phone", a band or song I'd never heard of until today. But it's a pretty cool song. I also listened to the CD that song comes from on napster and overall it's pretty good. It's dance- Lady Gaga similar music. You can get that CD "Fixin' To Thrill" also at iTunes for only $5.99 for a limited time. Check it out. Also if you are a fan of iTunes on facebook.com you can get a 15 songs Warped Tour Twenty Ten sampler for free. Seriously what goofball isn't on facebook.com already anyway?

For those of you who love looking at pictures of beautiful women when looking at my blog, here are some. Here's one of my favorite pictures of all-time. It's so good I'm going to have it on my blog twice.

Here's a picture of the newlywed. I'd congratulate Megan Fox, but really I think the congratulations should go to Brian Austin Green. How did he talk her into marrying him? Does the movie "She's Out Of My League" hit a little close to home Brian. Did you notice that Green's acronym for his name is bag? That's what Megan will be doing to him in a couple of years.

Now is it just my imagination, but is Megan Fox going downhill in looks? It seems like it, although she still has an amazing body.

Speaking of amazing bodies:


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