Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Things I've Learned. Jessica Wowba, Megan The Fox


A quick review of the CD "Monitor" by Titus Andronicus. This band has been receiving a lot of buzz. I listened to their new CD "Monitor" and I'm not sure why. It's okay, but not worth one's hard earned money. Also the continual, unneeded use of the "f bomb" is stupid. It seems like they just discovered this word, fell in love with it and now are using it as many times as they can. Very disappointing.

A much better CD is Madonna's "Sticky and Sweet" tour CD. I like how she mixes some of her older songs and newer songs together. Her "Borderline" is rocked out. It's a good mix of classic and newer Madonna music. One of her newer songs that comes off very well is "She's Not Me". She's a little too fond of the "f bomb" as well. She's still trying to be controversial I guess.

This is something I stole from Esquire Magazine, one of the three best magazines in the world. The other two are Sports Illustrated and Rolling Stone, for those keeping score at home. I was inspired by Gilbert Arenas' "What I've Learned" in the April Esquire.

Before I get to those I want to let you know the funniest (unintentionally) moment in the piece. Idiot Arenas is explaining his side of the guns in the Wizards locker room. His take is that it's a joke gone bad. He and the other player, Javaris Crittendon, were jawing back and forth. According to Arenas, at one point Crittendon says, "No, this is some street shit" about the gambling that allegedly started the issue. One millionaire saying anything about "street" to another millionaire I find hilarious. The only street either one of them should be talking about is Wall Street.

Driving to work I decided to write my own. In my "What I've Learned" there is no guns or sex. Sorry.

Things I’ve Learned

1) Don’t be greedy.
2) Karma is real. Pay it forward if you want a happier life. You still will have struggles though.
3) Let gossip end with you. If you must talk about other people, talk about all their good traits.
4) Music is a relatively cheap form of therapy.
5) Always be grateful for what you have, you could always have less. (Believe me I’ve learned this the hard way.)
6) Don’t whine. (Just because I’ve learned this doesn’t mean I don’t do it.)
7) If you don't have the cash on hand, don't buy it.
8) Is there anything better than a pretty woman. Here are a couple of examples. I get both of the following pictures from Esquire's Hot Girls of Summer 1985-2010, which is actually rather disappointing.

Here's an example of that most valuable resource:

more to come,


P.S. Wake up early and cheer on your fellow Americans in the World Cup for the right to advance to the knockout round. If they win, they're in.

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