Tuesday, June 4, 2013

themusicaddict's Songs You May Have Forgotten (But Shouldn't Have) 3


This is the third in a series of blogs featuring songs that I don't think should be forgotten by anyone that's a fan of good music.

Until today, I was unaware that this song had a video. Genesis's "Misunderstanding":

The good or bad thing, depending on your perspective, about writing a blog like this is that one song can lead to several others. One of the other videos I was reminded of was another Genesis classic, "Paperlate":

Which led me to the Phil Collins solo classic "I Missed Again":

A song that's rocking my iPod, Skillet's "Hero":

Here are a couple of great songs from The Black Keys. First up is "Tighten Up":

The next song is "Next Girl":

I love hearing her sing this song as it's a chance to hear all the great tones of Fergie's voice. "All That I Got":

Another one by Fergie , "Losing My Ground":

This blog entry is mainly about older songs that have gone through the hit cycle and now are played infrequently, if ever, on radio. However Fergie's recent song from "The Great Gatsby" is an exception. This is such a great song. How could I not add it to this blog? "A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (All We Got)":

R.I..P. MCA  The Beastie Boys "Sure Shot":

The great Neil Young "Drive By":

I'm not sure why they tried to ruin this song by having a lame rapper on it. Maroon 5's still incredibly catchy "Payphone":

Lou Gramm's "Midnight Blue":

The lady knows how to kick butt on the guitar. Orianthi's "According To You":

Closing with a few songs by the amazing Madonna, when she was at her peak. First up the very cool looking video "Express Yourself":

"Like A Prayer":

I think this might by my favorite Madonna song, "Papa Don't Preach":

If that's not my favorite Madonna song, then it might be "Live To Tell":

Or it could be her oft forgotten song, "Causing A Commotion":

Jellybean Benitez (featuring Madonna) "Sidewalk Talk". I love the sound of Madonna's voice on this song. The 80's just wouldn't have been the same, or as much fun, without Madonna.


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