Tuesday, April 12, 2016

themusicaddict's Top 106 80's Bands Part 15a: # 82 Red Hot Chili Peppers (Finished April 13th, 2016)


I cheated a bit here as I've included the Red Hot Chili Peppers 1991 CD "Blood Sugar Sex Magick" in tabulating where they'd be in my countdown. (My best of BSSM is my next blog.) If not for that CD, they wouldn't have even qualified for my 80's bands honorable mentions. Their first 4 CDs were less than great, the best songs combined together might be able to make a decent CD. Fortunately for them, and us, bands had more time and more records to establish themselves back in the day. I realize that all band's songs sound alike to some extent, but RHCP seems to epitomize this trend more than other bands- they share that trait with bands like ZZ Top and Fall Out Boy. For the most part, their first 3 CDs are interchangeable- similar sounding songs with few highlights. I have 51 RHCP songs on my iTunes but the only non-Greatest Hits CDs I have is "One Hot Minute" and "Blood Sugar Sex Magick"- which has so many of their greatest hits on it.

I admit that I'm not the Chili Peppers biggest fan- they have some great songs. However I don't think they are as quite as good as they think they are. And from reading a bit of Anthony Kiedis' memoir "Scar Tissue", it just doesn't seem like he's that smart. He's the very definition of Id. But they've had several great songs over the years. From the below clips it seems they're great in concert. They have a lot of energy and a tip of my hat to Kiedis for all the lyrics he has to remember. As it has happened so many times, I've become a much bigger fan of this band while writing a blog about them.

It's hard to judge how good a band is live from a video, but I'm going to try it. This is the Peppers at Slane Castle in 2003:

According to setlist.fm, my thanks to them, this is RHCP's setlist for Slane Castle:



The Red Hot Chili Peppers released their debut CD in 1984, the CD is self-titled and has 16 songs.
"Buckle Down":

I bet they cringe whenever they see this clip, but I was quite amused by it. Flea gave as good as he got from Alan Thicke. "Get Up and Jump":

In 1985 they released "Freaky Styley", which has 18 songs. This CD showed a bit more maturity and better songs.

"Catholic School Girls Rule" (that song should just be good for the title alone):

"Sex Rap":

"Millionaires Against Hunger":

1987's "Uplift Mofo Party Plan" was pretty much more of the same as their previous CD. Again this CD gives no indication they were going to release one of the best 90's CDs just 4 years later. This CD has 12 songs.

1989's "Mother's Milk" was their first CD that actually had some "hits"- including two of their best all time songs. However the rest of the songs is little more than more sound-alike filler.
"Higher Ground":

"Knock Me Down":

"Taste The Pain":


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