Sunday, August 25, 2019

(Started August 25th, 2019) The Best Songs With "Power" In The Title


We had the power go out the other day and what a pain in the butt that was. You don't notice how much you rely on electricity until it's gone. I don't have a smart phone so I went really old school. Of course it was as it was getting dark. When the sun is out I could go outside and read or stay in the house and work on personal projects. Thanks to a strong flashlight and my iPod, I still had some light and music. I was still able to be semi productive, but eventually just went to bed. I thought a blog about all kinds of power would be enjoyable. Here are the best "power" songs.

1) Snap "The Power":

2) Huey Lewis and the News "The Power of Love":

3) Rage Against The Machine "Take The Power Back":

4) Arcade Fire "Neighborhood #3 (Power's Out):

5) The New Power Generation
6) Amy Grant "The Power":
7) Tears For Fears "Power":
8) Toto "Love Has The Power":
9) Boston "Higher Power":
10) Bomshel "Power of One":
11) Tonight Alive "Power of One":
12) Nelly Furtado "Powerless":
13) Madonna "The Power of Goodbye":
14) Midnight Oil "Power and Passion":
15) The Pointer Sisters "We've Got Power":
16) Isley Brothers "Fight The Power":
17) Guess Who "Power In The Music":
18) Earth, Wind and Fire "Power":
19) Celine Dion "The Power of Love":

20) Jennifer Rush "The Power of Love":

21) Little Mix "Power":

22) SZA, The Weeknd and Travis Scott "Power Is Power":

23) featuring Justin Bieber "#thatPower":


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