Sunday, April 1, 2012

"The Killing" Returns Tonight


After one of the dumbest endings ever in television history of Season One of "The Killing", Season Two starts up tonight. I'll be watching for the car crash spectacle of it. I'm also curious about it although I don't anticipate a great premiere. I predict more stupid red herring plot devices, bad acting by Michelle Forbes and a further lack of interest in who killed Rosie Larsen. All fans of "The Killing" enjoy tonight's double episode, this will be the last season of this show. If AMC kills the slow paced, but very smart, "Rubicon", it should definitely kill the very slow paced and extremely dumb "The Killing".

Speaking of a killing, Kobe Bryant killed the Lakers last night. He shot 21 and only made 3. He missed his first 15 shots, before making 3 of his final 6 shots. Including the game winning shot. The fact they beat a pathetic team that only has one-fourth of their games shouldn't give much hope to Lakers fans.

In the truth is stranger than fiction department, Magic coach Stan Van Gundy says that Dwight Howard was punched in the back twice by the Mavericks Brendan Haywood. How do I know this didn't really happen? Because Howard would have been tweeting about it. He would also figure out some way to tie this into his contract situation. He would have whined about it, demanded justice etc. However he still wouldn't have cared to work on his horrific free throw shooting.

I'll admit I rather enjoyed all four books of the "Twilight" series. However the movies have been terrible and seem to be getting worse. The first movie made was terrible, it was so boring. However the latest trailer for the fifth and final film has taken stupidity to new lows.

What's wrong with the above preview? From the bad, without feeling line readings of Kristin Stewart to the whole unintentionally hilarious stupidity of her hunting. From her hiding behind the tree to her red eyes. Also Robert Pattinson's line about them having the "same temperature now". Then any time Taylor Lautner takes the screen, his bad acting takes front and center. I'm so glad this whole series as that means these actors will start to fade away. Have you seen any other movies with Stewart, Pattinson or Lautner? How bad were they?

Now here's a movie that looks great. Johnny Depp is a great actor, but he usually chooses to act in movies I have no interest in. However this movie looks very funny.


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