Friday, September 26, 2014

themusicaddict's Top 100 Songs of 1984: Part 3 #'s 78 to 66


As I mentioned previously, my thanks to Rolling Stone magazine and for inspiring this list. Rolling Stone released their list on September 17th, 2014, I took their list and created my own list. Nineteen songs from Rolling Stone's list didn't make it on my personal Top 100, those 19 songs are mentioned in the first blog in this series of blogs. Thanks to the website for reminding me about the rest of these songs. That is except for Julie Brown's "Homecoming Queen's Got A Gun". I thought it came out in 1984 and I Googled it and sure enough it did. The number/letters in parenthesis indicate where the song ranks on Rolling Stone's Top 100 list. NR = not rated

78) Genesis' "That's All": (49)

77) Quiet Riot's "Cum On Feel The Noize" (NR). This is probably the first heavy metal hit. I remember standing in the Pegasus music store in Bountiful, Utah and thinking to myself how cool would it be if this song became a big hit. Surprisingly enough it did, rising to #5 in the United States. Previously a heavy metal song charting that high had been unheard of. I've no idea how this song didn't make Rolling Stone's Top 100 songs of 1984.

76) Tracy Ullman's "They Don't Know" (16) This is what made 80's music so great. "Cum On Feel The Noize" and "They Don't Know" both came out in the year and no one thought it was a big deal. It was possible to hear the songs back to back on radio and MTV. Since no genre dominated the 80s, any song didn't sound out of place. Even the 50's flashback below didn't sound out of place. The only thing that mattered about music in the 80s was that it was a good song.

75) Ashford and Simpson's "Solid" (19) The last 4 songs are 4 different genres rock, heavy metal, oldies and now soul. Again this is how music was in the 80's, welcome to the greatest decade in music history.

74) New Edition's "Cool It Now" (27) New Edition featured Bobby Brown, Ralph Tresvant, Ricky Bell, Michael Bivins and Ronnie DeVoe. The last three joined together and renamed themselves Bell Biv Devoe and "poisoned" the airwaves. Interestingly enough the lead singer on this song, Tresvant, ended up being the least relevant of the 5.

73) Lionel Richie's "Running With The Night" (NR) Richie can be a beat cheesy, but he knows how to write great pop songs. He co-wrote "We Are The World" with Michael Jackson along with all of his other great songs.

72) The Scorpion's "Rock You Like A Hurricane" (57)

71) Frankie Goes To Hollywood's "Relax": (30) This is a great dance song, a great song overall. It would be higher on my Top 100 if it had more lyrics, it's pop music so they don't even need to be smart lyrics. But this song is basically "Relax, Don't Do It, Relax, When You Want To Go To It", repeat several more times.

70) Van Halen's "Panama": (20)

69) Elton John's "I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues":

68) Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney's "Say Say Say": (54)

67) Billy Ocean's "Caribbean Queen (No More Love On The Run)" (45):

66) Matthew Wilder's "Break My Stride": (64)


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