Tuesday, January 6, 2015

themusicaddict's World's Most Influential Historical Figures


This list will be American centric and I've lived in United States. However please feel free to disagree and off alternatives. This list may change a lot or a little over time.

The movie "Selma" comes to the theaters this weekend. Am I the only one that think it's incredible that this is the first movie made about Martin Luther King and all the great work he did?

-Without a doubt one of the most influential historical figures is Martin Luther King Jr. While thinking about him and "Selma" I started jotting down a list of history's most influential people. It's interesting how many traits these great leaders share. This list is in no particular order, but how can a list exist like this without Jesus' name being on it?

- Jesus, his words and teachings remain strongly in force today. Although not as strong as in the past his great deeds and words have seeped into modern culture so well that many things people say come from his words. 

- Abraham Lincoln The Emancipation Proclamation, the Civil War

- George Washington: The father of America, the Revolutionary War

- Adolf Hitler: Behind the slaughter of 6 million Jewish lives, did much to instigate World War 2,

- Gandhi Leader of Indian independence movement in British ruled Indian, much like King he advocated for non-violent change. Inspired Steve Jobs to work his magic at Apple computer.

- John Fitzgerald Kennedy Most consider him one of America's greatest Presidents, the Cuban Missile Crisis- what would the world be like now if that had gone wrong- began America's slow descent into the quagmire of Vietnam. Even his death has created quite an industry based around potential theories and such phrases as the "single bullet theory". 

- The American soldier- from the Civil War to the beaches of Normandy to Afghanistan, Iraq and increasingly it looks like there will be boots on the ground in Syria. 

- Muhammad, believed by Muslims to be a prophet of God, united Arabia under Islam

- Rosa Parks, refused to give up her seat in the black section of the bus after the white section was filled

(Thanks to Wikipedia for helping with some of the details on Muhammad, Rosa Parks and Gandhi.)


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