Monday, January 30, 2017

Obscure, And Some Not So Obscure, 80's One Hit Wonders 1980-1985, Part 1


I'm using this criteria to define a one hit wonder: Accordingly, Billboard journalist Wayne Jancik defines a United States one-hit wonder as "an act that has won a position on Billboard's national, pop, Top 40 just once." Using this definition, artists are therefore classified as one-hit wonders based solely on Billboard Hot 100 chart performance—other factors such as success in other territories, additional hits on other Billboard genre-specific charts, membership in more prominent bands or musical groups, critical acclaim, and influence are not considered."

But I'm not just looking for the most famous one hit wonders, like Toni Basil's "Mickey" or Bertie Higgins' "Key Largo". I'm looking for the most obscure, yet still amazing, one hit wonders. That was the goal, but I stumbled across all these amazing songs. So the focus is on obscure songs, but some more famous songs did slip through the cracks.

This is the site I used to get these songs:

Billy Preston and Syreeta's incredibly beautiful "With You I'm Born Again":

One of my all-time favorite one hit wonders, Steve Forbert's "Romeo's Tune":

The music video is so bad that it's.... no there's no way around it, it's bad. But it's a great song. Rocky Burnette's "Tired of Toein The Line":

Grover Washington's "Just The Two Of Us":

Back when TV themes were good and not instantly forgettable, Larry Carlton's "Theme From Hill Street Blues":

Slyvia "Nobody":

Deborah Allen "Baby I Lied":

I don't know that I remember this song, but I like it. Van Stephenson's "Modern Day Delilah":

Jan Hammer's "Miami Vice Theme":

Don't know that I remember this song either and it's a tad bit cheesy, Giuffria's "Call To The Heart":

I had completely forgot this song, I love Miss Moyet's voice, Alison Moyet's "Invisible":

David Foster "Love Theme From St. Elmo's Fire":

I love some old school dance/funk music. Starpoint "Object Of My Desire":

Roseanne Cash's "Seven Year Ache":


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