Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Dodgers, Wolfmother, Great Books


The LA Dodgers are going to have a rematch in the NLCS with the Phillies starting Thursday last night. Last year Philadelphia completely dominated the Dodgers in the NLCS. That domination continued in the World Series as they won it all last year. Manny this is where we need you to play like you care and kick some butt. The games from here on out are why LA paid (overpaid) you $20 million. In the ALCS it will be New York vs. the LA Angels. Both series should be very good. The ALCS will start Friday night in New York.

Other news: Oasis has officially announced they are breaking up. That comes as a big news story to me as I didn't know they were still together. Oasis has to go down as one of the Top Ten all-time worse bands. Other than "Wonderwall" they haven't produced any memorable music. At least not memorable in a good way.

Wolfmother will be bringing it's kick butt music back on October 27th. Their first CD came out over 3 years ago and the band has had a lot of turmoil since then. Some members have left and some members have joined. I look forward to their new CD, "Cosmic Egg". Creed's next CD also comes out that day, "Full Circle".

I continue reading some good books. I finished reading Jon Krakauer's "Where The Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman". A very said story about someone that had so much potential. Tillman died of friendly fire. If Krakauer's stats are accurate, friendly fire has had a disastrous effect on the US military. Krakauer also is not hopeful about the United States chances for success in Afghanistan. It looks like Afghanistan will even be more of a quagmire than Vietnam ever was.

I also started reading the latest Oprah Book Club Selection, "Say You're One of Them" by Uwem Akpan. This is a collection of five stories about life in Africa. The first story "An Ex-mas Feast" is about a 12 year old prostitute and her family's struggles with being extremely poor in Kenya. That and the things they have to do to survive. The second story is "Fattening for Gabon". That is the story I'm reading now and by far the longest of the five stories. This story deals with two kids who go to live with their uncle who is attempting to sell them into slavery. Everyone is bitterly poor and life is a continuous struggle day to day. Nothing is taken for granted and one has to fight for everything just for survive. It's Maslow's Law in full effect. These stories remind me a lot of the movie "Slumdog Millionaire". Although life is a struggle, both stories are filled with hope.

Watch out here comes "Toy Story 3": Enjoy


see you tomorrow, themusicaddict

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