Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The greatness of Prince, the amazing "Mad Men"


The greatness of Prince, a man who is a musical genius. What is the most amazing beginning 30 seconds of a song? Is it Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean", Rush's "Tom Sawyer" or Prince's "When Doves Cry". Even some of his lesser known songs bring da funk. For instance, the lesser known "Gett Off", with it's slinky baseline. Other great funky songs include "The Future" and "Batdance". Trust me they are worth tracking down.

The greatness of Prince is featured on "The Very Best of Prince". 17 of his best songs. These include, "1999", "Little Red Corvette", "Let's Go Crazy", "Purple Rain", "I Would Die For You" and many other classics. This CD does not have all his classic songs, there is just not enough room on one CD! (Noticeably missing is the "1999" song "Delirious" and "Darling Nikki" from "Purple Rain". This greatest hits also doesn't include any of the amazing songs from the "Batman" soundtrack. A couple of those songs are mentioned above.) Other highlights: What about his mid-80's classic, "Kiss". Has there ever been a more funky song? If you disagree, listen to it again.

How about the greatness of the "Purple Rain" soundtrack. It takes a musical genius to release a CD about 25 years ago and it still is genius. Not only is it timely, but it still also sounds years ahead of now. It's Prince appreciation day at my house today.

Now on to the best show of this season, "Mad Men". I know it's pathetic, but I couldn't wait until Tuesday to watch it. I watched it last night after I got home from work. This show just continues to hit new heights, the scene we have been waiting for finally happened. Betty Draper finally confronted Don about who he is and isn't. Is he Dick Whitman, is he Don Draper, is he some combination of the two? What happened to the first Mrs. Don Draper? Why does he have a deed to a house in a California? Did he go visit the original Mrs. Don Draper when he was in California (in season two)? Don is mostly honest with Betty, other than he has his mistress in his car. We see Miss Ferrell take her walk of shame into the night. (She's just one of the amazingly gorgeous women on this show.)

I was reveling in the slow burn of Season 3, episode 11. What did you think about this episode's amazing closing scene? Don, Betty and their three kids go trick-or-treating. The neighbor mentions the kids are a hobo and a gypsy. He then looks Don/Dick in the eye and asks him, "And who are you supposed to be?". (Was I the only one who briefly thought that the neighbor was Duck Phillips?) That question staggers the usually unflappable Don Draper and seems to have an effect on Betty as well. Meanwhile the kids remain oblivious to all the drama swirling around their families' peaceful facade.

Sunday night's episode was set around and on Halloween, 1963. There are only two more episodes left, all setting up to the explosive finale of this season. I'm sure this will be based around JFK's assassination, which happens three weeks after this episode. I'm just glad we know there is going to be a fourth season. (We then are going to have to go 8 months wondering what happens. If all shows had this much quality, I would settle for the 13 episodes rather than the usual 22 episodes of most seasons.)

That's one of the many story lines occuring on this stellar show. Joan's husband Greg is joining the military. Can we dispatch of this lame character asap? Can he have a training injury while in boot camp? He's the lamest character in this show, although Pete Campbell is a close second. Joan and him getting together is completely unbelievable. Joan is much smarter than that. Speaking of Pete, where has he been the last couple episodes? That character is such a weinie, but I know he's needed for dramatic effect. I'm still waiting for Sal to come back into the Sterling-Cooper orbit. He's the suavest and most likable character in spite of his foibles.

At this time I'm not going to try and answer any of the questions, I just like to put thoughts out into the blogosphere. This show haunts me.


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