Thursday, April 8, 2021

(Finished April 8th, 2021) Part 1 of Songs of Various Quality From Bands That Only Made One CD


I'm not saying these are great songs or that they are terrible songs. However I would like to check out these bands that only had one CD. Not one great CD, but only ONE CD. There are some rumors that some of these bands may make a second CD. As for "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" I'll say that CD is great, in fact it's one of the best CDs ever. Obviously she recorded a few CDs with the Fugees. Obviously Hill recored a live CD, for some reason that doesn't count as a CD? 

1) Young Marble Giants "Brand New Life":

Wurlitzer Jukebox:

"Credit In The Straight World":

Here's their full album "Colossal World":

2) Life Without Buildings "The Leanover":

Their cover of the Prince classic "Pop Life":

This is a pretty cool song. "Love Trinity":

3) The Unicorns "I Was Born (A Unicorn)":

"Tuff Ghost":

"Child Star":

4) Skip Spence "Little Hands":

"Cripple Creek":

"Weighted Down (The Prison Song)":

Here's that one and only Skip Spence CD "Oar":


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