Thursday, July 24, 2008

All Three "Robocop" Movie's reviewed


Thanks to the luxury of Comcast On Demand, I've been able to see all three "Robocop" movies over the last three days. The first one starring Peter Weller is pretty good.(What happened to Peter Weller anyway?) The special effects are from the 80's, but that's not their fault. But along with great action and a actual story it is a pretty good movie. The story is equally poignant, funny and action packed.

Seperate paragraph for the next two movies to keep the crap away from the quality. "Robocop 2" is a steaming pile of dog poop. Remarkably Peter Weller came back for this movie. The storyline is stupid as is everything else. "Robocop 3" is pretty awful as well. Peter Weller was smart enough not to be in this movie. They do use his likeness for when we see the real face of Robocop. Of the three this is the worst story, absolutely nothing redeeming in it at all. This movie shows all the lowlights of movies made in the 80's. The best part of this movie is seeing future famous actors who a few years later would be appearing in much more entertaining fare. First of all there is Jill Hennessey who went on to be in "Law and Order" and "Crossing Jordan". Also there is Bradley Whitford who went on to success in "The West Wing" and "Studio 60". There are a couple of other people as well that went on to do much more entertaining movies and TV series.

However the worst part of "Robocop 3", besides the extreme corniness, is the fact that in this movie that "Robocop 3" can now fly. OCP, the fictional company behind building Robocop, built a special attachment for him. It is so stupid. He can fly so smoothly but when walking it is anything but smooth. At the end of the movie Robocop says something to the effect of "My friends call me Murph, but you have to call me Robocop" which he says to a bad guy.

CD of the day: "4" by Led Zeppelin. This CD has the following songs on it, "Black Dog", "Rock N Roll", "When The Levee Breaks", "Stairway To Heaven", "Misty Mountain Hop", "Four Sticks", "Going To California". Those are just some of the songs on the CD. If this isn't the greatest CD of all time, I don't know what is. Song of the Day: "Sorry, Sorry" by Rooney. This song like The New Pornographers "Myriad Harbor" are perfect pop songs.

Four quick CD's that you may have some interest in. 1) "iTunes Live From Soho" by the Counting Crows 2) "Live In Paris 1987"- U2 and 3) Zach de la Rocha's new side project. The name of this band is One Day As A Lion. They have an ep available at iTunes for $4.95. For those of you who don't know de la Rocha is also the lead singer of Rage Against The Machine. I will listen to it and give you a review on Saturday. Finally has new music from Paul Westerberg available for 49c. He use to be the singer of The Replacements. I will be giving a preview of that soon. It should be worth 49c though.

I will not be back until Saturday. themusicaddict

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