Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Dragon Tattoo", AMA's Performance Reviews


I had to go to bed some time last night or I would have stayed up later reading "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo". What a great book, it's very hard to put down. I just want to find out all the mysteries quickly. WHat does Henrik Vanger have to hide and what is the reason for his true animosity towards Wennerstrom? However I also enjoy in between readings in a book> When I have time to contemplate what's going on and what could happen, that's also a great pleasure of reading.

The author of this book, Stieg Larsson, unfortunately passed away. He has two other books dealing with the same "The Girl etc." theme. I don't know if it's the same girl in every book, but I hope so. Lisbeth Salander is a very interesting character, her name is appropriate for the dirt she finds out about people. She had quite a shock when Mickael Blomquist showed up at her door.

From my reading and 'net surfing I heard a lot about Adam Lambert and Jennifer Lopez's American Music Awards performances. I find it ironic that I grade both of those performance F-. I finally couldn't resist seeing what the buzz was about. Adam Lambert continues to lower the level of taste in America. I know he's some- one's puppet, but this performance was terrible. What is up with the ugly hair and the makeup? Why does he always scream, his patented screech. I don't understand why there's so much hype about him. Of course hype is used a lot of the time to hide crap. That's what is happening here. Adam Lambert please go away, and take that slick, crappy "For Your Entertainment" with you. Grade: F- (I just heard that Good Morning America canceled Adam Lambert's appearance due to his lurid performance.)

Someone I like but was disappointed with was Lady Gaga. The song was meh! and her and the dancer's outfits were hideous. Grade: D.

Another singer I really like but who I was also disappointed with is Rihanna. The song she sang is mediocre and why does she have spikes on her clothes like Adam Lambert? In spite of this performance, Rihanna is currently my favorite female singer. Grade: C.

Continuing the disappointing theme what is up with Shakira and Whitney Houston? Shakira's performance was marginal. Shakira: C+ Whitney Houston why can't you just sing the damn song? Ever since she started her comeback at Clive Davis' after Grammy party she has had that weird phrasing. (Clive it's time to cut your puppet strings on Whitney.) Is the phrasing due to her losing her voice a bit? Whitney just please start singing the songs they are made to sing. Even if you've lost something from your amazing voice, you still have a great voice. She did have one of the best songs of the night. Due to the song, the grade is C+.

Alicia Keys/ lame rapper (I know his name but he seems to be living on reputation now rather than being relevant. Of course in my opinion he was never relevant.) Was it just me or did that song seem to go on forever? Grades: Alicia: B, lame rapper F-

Alicia Keys later sang by herself and that song was much better. The song "Try Sleeping With a Broken Heart" is a much better song than "Empire State Of Mind". "Sleeping" did seem to go on a bit too long also. Grade B+

Nelly Furtado sang with Timbaland and another female singer I never have heard of. Although Timbaland does fall under the "lame rapper" category, I actually liked this song. Although his rapping was a tad bit annoying. Grade: B.

Carrie Underwood, looking gorgeous as always, sang "Casanova Cowboy". This may have been the best song of the night, however it was also close to being the ugliest outfit of the night. Because this was one of the last performances I watched, the pop sheen was especially noticeable on this song. I wonder what country music radio thinks about that song, not that it matters because of course they are playing it. Also that song had some blistering guitars in it as well. Grade: B.

Janet Jackson started off the show with a blistering medley of some of her classic back-in-the-day songs. Her performance started out as hot, but by the end it had developed into a hot mess. Grades: first half: A, second half: C.

Daughtry: the only song of the night that didn't have a pop sheen. Just a straight forward pop/rock song sung by Chris Daughtry. The song was a little boring though. Grade: C.

Jennifer Lopez Yawn! The name of her song is "Louboutins", named after a line of shoes. When I heard her sing the line about a part time lover, I was hoping she was going to bust out the Stevie Wonder classic. No such luck and "Louboutins" is a pretty generic song. (Since the performance is boxing themed of course they have to fly Michael Buffer in to say, "Let's Get Ready To RUMMMMBLE!" Grade F- While researsching this song I discovered a very cool website. Check it out, it's at musicloversgroup.com.)

Quick reviews: Rihanna's "Rated R" her grown up CD. After one listen I give this CD a C. Them Crooked Vultures, this song has some pretty good musical ideas. After one listen it's more of a collection of songs rather than an album though. That will probably come with time.

Also when did Britney Spears start singing like a chipmunk?

Have a great day, I'll be back tomorrow. themusicaddict

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