Thursday, August 23, 2012

Going Through A Country Music Phase! Luke Bryan, Eric Church,


I was going to write about the recent MLB chokes of Pittsburgh, LA and Boston. But it's been a relatively busy day at work, so I've had to forego that. However I'm going through a country music phase and I want to share some of the songs that have caught my attention. Enjoy!

I apologize if you also have to watch those Mitt Romney commercials before the videos start. Of course he approves the messages. He's being interviewed in a controlled environment and they can edit his words just like Romney wants it.

Visit yesterday's blog for the excellent Jake Owen song "Alone With You". 

I'll start off with a two-parter of Luke Bryan videos. I really like both of these songs, but especially "I Don't Want This Night To End":

Although the above video reminds me again about all the intoxicating and infuriating things that goes with women and dating.

This is part two "Drunk On You"- it's not exactly a twist ending, is it? 

Here are a couple great songs from Eric Church, although I find "Homeboy" to be incredibly sophomoric.  But I love "Springsteen":

And as someone that goes to church nearly every Sunday, and considers it vital to my life, I still think this new song should be played for those churchgoers. This is "Sinners Like Me":

And I know I've featured the Zac Brown Band recently, but hey it's my blog. So I'm going to feature them again. I love this song "Colder Weather":

Zac Brown Band featuring Alan Jackson "As She's Walking Away":

I also love me some Lady Antebellum, this is "Dancin' Away With My Heart":

I'm not a big Toby Keith fan. But when he has a great song, it's a really great song. Here's what feels like is my theme song, "As Good As I Once Was":

Toby Keith's "God Love Her":


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