Saturday, February 11, 2023

(Updated February 11th, 2023) Selected Best Long Songs 5: Songs 71-86


I started these blogs a little over two years ago, with some extra time on my hands I thought I would finish a few of them.

By long song I mean it has to be at least seven minutes long. To be a great song that lasts at least seven minutes is a skill. Here are some of my favorite long songs. I first did ten long songs by Meat Loaf, he's the king of the long song. The number in the () is the length of the specific track.

From here on these will still be long songs, they just might not reach the seven minute mark. But the song would have to at least be five minutes long.

71) Golden Earring "Radar Love" (6:26):

72) Great White "Rock Me" (8:12):

73) Klymaxx "Men All Pause" (7:15):

74) The Chamber Brothers "Time Has Come Today" (11:04):

75) Dio "All The Fools Sailed Away" (7:11):

76) Rush "Working Man" (7:10):

77) Bruce Springsteen "Shackled and Drawn" (7:58):

78) James Brown "Sex Machine" (10:48):

79) AC/DC "For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)" (6:18):

80) Van Halen "Cabo Wabo" (6:57):

81) Def Leppard "White Lightning" (7:08):

82) Erasure "River Deep, Mountain High" (6:52):

83) Dio "Egypt (The Chains Are On)" (7:48):

84) Donna Summer "MacArthur Park" (8:54):

85) Iron Butterfly "In A Gadda Da Vida" (8:18):

86) Led Zeppelin "In My Time of Dying":

87) Rush "2112":

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