Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Non- "Event", "Hawaii Five-0", "AI" judges announced tomorrow


I've read several articles about how good the reboot of "Hawaii Five-0" is. I decided to check it out, I went to cbs.com and watched it. It's pretty good, I didn't expect a whole lot from it to be honest. Unlike the dreary "The Event" it has a sense-of-humor. For instance, Danno had just shot a suspect, who was laying on the ground with his hands were in restraints. He kept on trying to escape. Danno says to him, "Where you going?" (That scene is much funnier when you see the actual clip at cbs.com.) The show, although it deals with illegal smuggling, doesn't take itself too seriously. (See my initial reaction to this show below.) I don't know how long I'll watch "The Event", but I'll be checking out "Hawaii Five-0" for the foreseeable future.

Remember when songs had great theme songs? "Hawaii Five-0" has one of the all-time great theme songs:

Are you excited for "American Idol" to name Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler and Randy Jackson officially as judges for the 10th season? The big announcement will be made tomorrow at noon PT. Ryan Seacrest will be making the announcement from the Forum, the place where the Lakers play basketball. Also all the judges will be there, what else do they have to do? As with anything "AI" there will be a ton of hype, again the hype is there to cover up the shallowness of the product. With the lack of intelligence of this coaching panel, "AI" will probably be a show to skip. (Thanks as always to ew.com's own Idoloonie Michael Slezak for the details above and thanks to me for the sarcasm.) If you are absolutely bored, you can go to "American Idol's" official website and watch the introductory press conference live.

Here's another TV show for you to skip based on the pilot: "The Event". It's premiere was last night and it was boring. Unlike the characters, say in "Mad Men", I just didn't care about these characters. I also hated how the story kept on jumping around in time, that's a lazy way to tell a story. "Flash Forward", a show I loved, use to do the same thing and it drove me crazy. "The Event" has many mysteries to resolve, but after one episode I just don't care. If it continues to be this bad, the only mystery will be for how long it stays on the air?

I'm going to give "The Event" another chance, but I'm not holding out much hope for it. If the pilot is bad, what hope is there for any other episode going forward?

I also hated the constant advertisements for the show that followed. That was a show I hadn't heard of and I can't even remember the name of. It was overly hyped, which usually means that it sucks. I had no desire to see the show about the female marshall. I really didn't want to watch "Hawaii 5-0" either, although there's the intriguing possibility of the gorgeous Grace Park in a bikini (score!) or other clothes that highlights her amazing beauty. However I've read that's a very good show.

The perfectly named Grace:

The show that's getting all the praise is HBO's "Boardwalk Empire". Since it's on HBO I can't watch it. HBO has already awarded it with a second season, not bad for a show that has only shown one episode so far. Although critics who've seen six or seven episodes are saying what a great show it is. (I'm not sure "The Event" is going to last 6 or 7 episodes.) HBO it would be awesome if you'd allow this to be shown on Comcast On Demand!

OK, that's enough complaining from me, now it's time to give some praise to some great things out there.

Thanks to ew.com, here's the poster for the new AMC drama, "The Walking Dead".

Yesterday I finished reading Chuck Hogan's excellent "Prince of Thieves". What a great book! I've read two of Hogan's books that he's either written or co-written and I've loved both of them. The other one is "The Strain", the second of that trilogy I'll be able to read soon!

"Thieves" is a great book. The ending was a complete surprise. It didn't quite work out like I thought I would. I wanted a clean resolution where both the head bank robber, Doug, and the cop, Frawley, could win. There's a lot of hints of a love story, that part of story doesn't really work out like I expected either.

This is definitely a book where the end isn't easy to predict, which is one of the signs of a great book. Now I'd like to see the movie based on "Prince of Thieves", the Ben Affleck directed "The Town".

I started reading Susan Casey's "The Devil's Teeth". This book is about the great white shark in the Farallon Islands. So far it's a love story about the great white shark. A book I typically wouldn't read on my own. This is the first book in my new book group I'm just joining. So far it's a great read, an intriguing story and very compelling.


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