Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"American Idol" Is Back Tonight: Can This Please Be The Last Season?


The greedy folks over at Fox are rolling out the 12th edition of this very tired reality show. I would love for the ratings to be so bad that they had to cancel the show during the season. That would be priceless. I'll not be watching this show, unless I happen to pass it by while switching channels.

"American Idol" jumped the shark after the 7th season, David Cook winning should have closed down this show. In a ridiculous attempt to remain relevant the show has changed the judging panel multiple times. From adding Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez, Ellen DeGeneres and now all the new judges for this season. And they also have kept Randy Jackson for all 12 seasons, which makes absolutely no sense to me. How a man who has done so little can keep his job for 12 years puzzles me.

According to these are five reasons to watch "American Idol". All bold is cut and pasted from the original article.

1. The Judges
"Joining the panel of judges this year are Mariah Carey, a/k/a the best-selling female recording artist of all time. rapper Nicki Minaj and four-time Grammy winner Keith Urban. The only holdover is Idol mainstay Randy Jackson – who lingers along with host Ryan Seacrest." (I love the they used the word lingers to refer to Randy Jackson. However no one will ever top it than the Fox executive who referred to Jackson as a "barnacle". Never have more unintentionally truthful words ever been spoken by a corporate America schill.)
"The straight-talking Minaj – who was encouraged to take the job by none other than Lil Wayne, apparently – will be filling the long-vacant Simon Cowell role on Idol, cutting through the BS and telling it like it is to contestants. On the other side of the musical spectrum, Urban will provide much-needed cred to the show when it comes to critiquing the country performers." 
Minaj, Carey and Urban: Yawn. And we already know how bad Randy Jackson is. Plus I'm sick of seeing Ryan Seacrest's face all over TV. If I were him I'd be spending as much time with Julianne Hough as I could. 
2. The Fireworks
"The battles between Carey and Minaj have already livened up the normally staid Idol audition rounds. Last October, while Idol was in Charlotte, North Carolina, Minaj threatened to "knock out" Carey during a taping." 
The only thing worse than drama is fake, manufactured "Idol" drama. Especially when Carey blathers on about hiring additional security. Please. People who want to see a lot of this kind of fake drama can watch anyone of the way too many stupid reality shows on TV.
3. Bigger and Better Auditions
 Expect that to change this season when Idol goes where they have never gone before: to small towns in search of talent. "We've actually taken a bus, an American Idol bus, out to little towns this year and with a producer onboard, who has brought kids into the audition – kids that wouldn't necessarily be either close enough to one of the cities we were at or even have the financial means to get to one of the big cities. So that introduced new talent to us, I must say."
This season, people were able to nominate talented friends and family who were too nervous or intimidated to audition. The show then sent a team to stage an audition intervention. "Randy Jackson actually went out, and we did some hidden camera stuff, and shocked them and surprised them and then gave them a number – an audition number – so that they actually skipped the lines and everything and came straight in to see the judges," Lythgoe explained.
These ideas actually seem to be okay. 
4. Big Changes During Hollywood Week
" This season, when the Top 10 finalists are chosen, that's it. Come Hollywood Week, the contestants will be divided up by gender. "We split the weeks up and gave a week to the boys, then a week to the girls," Lythgoe said. When the contestants head to Las Vegas, expect a similar split, which Lythgoe felt helped the judges divine the true talent among the contestants."
Seriously Lythgoe is such a tool, I wouldn't let him produce anything. Like Jackson he's a Fox yes man, which is how he can keep his job.
5.  Idol Delivers Results
From Kelly Clarkson to Phillip Phillips, Idol has a proven track record of creating bankable, chart-topping, Grammy-winning stars. 
When they say bankable stars who exactly are they talking about? It's true that they bust out Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson and Daughtry. But who else has exploded on to the scene for longer than two years. Absolutely no one! Now "AI" has broken other singers into the mainstream, people like Jennifer Hudson and the gorgeous Katherine McPhee.
(Thanks to

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