Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Are These The 7 Greatest Novels Ever?


I've noticed my blog gets a little more traffic than usual when I write about books. So the following is my list of possibly the best five novels ever, followed by a brief thought. This is in no particular order. If you haven't read all these books, you definitely need too.

1) "Jurassic Park"- Michael Crichton Although the movie was decent, it came nowhere to the greatness of the book.

2) "Horns"- Joe Hill This book has a very sweet love story, but you must read all the way to the end.

3) "The Art of Racing In The Rain"- Garth Stein Words can't describe how great this book is. Literally the story of how one should live their life, no matter the consequences. And the book is narrated by a dog.

4) "A Prayer For Owen Meany"- John Irving Owen Meany is a hero, but not your typical hero.

5) "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao"- Junot Diaz This literally could be the best book ever. I loved this book in so many ways. Diaz's constant talk of sex got old pretty quick though. But this is one of those books that shows great writing is still occurring.

6) "My Antonia"- Willa Cather. A book that I only would have read because I was assigned it in a class for school. It's also a book that took me by complete surprise. Quite simply one of the best books I've ever read. A true delight in every way possible. Thanks to my great teacher at the University of Utah for introducing the class to this amazing book.

7)  "The Garden of Last Days"- Andre Dubus Who knew a novel about a stripper, a 9/11 terrorist and white trash Floridian could be so amazing? This is a book not to be missed!

Honorable mention books:

8) A commenter on this blog shared their love for "Ender's Game". While I did very much enjoy "Ender's Game", I've decided it doesn't belong in the 6 greatest books of all-time. But it definitely is worthy of classic novel honorable mention.

"Ender's Game"- Orson Scott Card This definitely is a great book and the movie adaptation is coming soon to your local theatre. One of the things that push this book into the classic area is the amazing ending. That was a great ending.

9) "Snow Falling On Cedars"- David Guterson

I'm sure this list will be expanding as I remember some of the amazing books I've read in my life.

What are some books that you absolutely loved?


1 comment:

Justin M said...

Ender's Game is still one of my favorite all-time books.
