Sunday, January 27, 2019

(Finished January 27th, 2019) themusicaddict's Top 106 Greatest 80's Era Band #15 Duran Duran, Part 2: Songs 43-33


I wrote the first part of this blog back on December 6th of last year, that was just a general overview of the music of Duran Duran. In fact I haven't even finished that blog. This is Part 2 and when I will actually be the Duran Duran (or as some used to call them Duran squared) countdown blogs. Their countdown blogs were really boosted by their 1993 comeback CD "Duran Duran (The Wedding Album)". Twelve of that CDs songs qualified for these countdown blogs. "Notorious", "Big Thing" and "Liberty" were all pretty average CDs. Although their first three CDs "Duran Duran", "Rio" and "Seven and the Ragged Tiger" had plenty of great tracks. Duran Duran was one of those bands that was really helped by being on MTV. It's hard to believe they used to have music on MTV. Duran Duran and MTV both were partially responsible for the other's success.

43) "Shotgun":

42) "Proposition":

41) "The Seventh Stranger":

40 "Do You Believe In Shame":

39) "Night Boat":

38) "Femme Fatale":

37) "Love Voodoo":

36) "The Skin Trade":

35) "Of Crime and Passion":

34) "Sound of Thunder":

33) "Read My Lips":


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