Sunday, March 20, 2022

(Started March 20th, 2022) Songs That Bring Me Joy


I had a sort of down day yesterday and I'm not sure why. I knew on this Sunday I needed a good walk, the restorative, soothing feelings of church and some joyful music. I was able to get the first two and now I'm getting the third. I'm sharing that joy with you. I hope you get some joy from these songs.

1) Starship "We Built This City":

2) The Turtles "Happy Together":

3) American Authors "The Best Day of My Life":

4) Of Monsters and Men "Little Talks":

5) Outkast "Hey Ya":

6) Earth, Wind & Fire "September":

7) Kool and the Gang "Celebration":

8) Rick Astley "Never Gonna Give You Up":

9) a-ha "Take On Me":

10) The Black Eyed Peas "I Gotta Feeling":

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