Friday, April 24, 2009

"AI" Week 8 April 21st and 22nd


I'm sorry that it's been so long since I've written. While I have a few minutes now I thought I would write a quick blog. Not only have I started a new job with Verizon Wireless but also my wife has been working her butt off to set me up with a new computer. She's moved all my files to a new computer, which has been a very frustrating process. She's worked three days on this project and slowly but surely my computer is getting to optimum efficiency.

I drive about 50 minutes each way to get to work. So after a lunch hour there I'm gone for 11 hours 5 days a week. While I'm not working 55 hours a week, it feels like it as I'm gone that long. Plus I have all my other usual responsibilities, you know like a blog. Don't get me wrong though I'm very grateful for this job.

Here's the start of my review of this past week's of "AI". I've got to say thank goodness Lil Rounds is gone. I was so tired of her. Also David Archuleta's performance was terrible Wednesday night. Why is he still popular? Another bad thing was that three song Disco medley, it's the definition of "train wreck". Wednesday night's show should have been titled "Finale". Lil was booted, it's the final death knell for Disco and Archuleta hastened his inevitable decline into obscurity.

This week's theme was Disco and there was no mentor. So that they could get through the show quicker there was no video vignettes before the performances. I liked this much faster paced show. Now if the "AI" producers could only do the same thing for the results show.

1) Lil Rounds sang "I'm Every Woman" by Chaka Kahn. In the 80's it was also covered by the amazing Whitney Houston. Lil set herself to be compared to two legendary singers and did not fare well. It was yet another mediocre performance and she also wore an ugly outfit. She kept on singing the same thing over and over again. The judges did not like her performance. Simon correctly predicted this is the "last week we're going to see you". Lil said she had "fun" and then disagreed with the judges again. Lil I'm glad you had fun because no one else did.

Happy Birthday Hank!

I have to go to bed in a few minutes so that's it for now. If I'm not back tomorrow I will for sure be back on Sunday with my new Top "AI" Whatever. themusicaddict

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