Sunday, July 3, 2022

(Finished July 3rd, 2022) Part 2 of The 102 Best Songs of the 1950s


The way I'm doing this is I'm going to post the Top 102 greatest 1950s songs in order of the way I thought of them. Once I hit 102 songs I will go and look at the 102 listed songs and see if there are any other songs that the 101st song might be better than. If so I will replace the previously listed song. That way I can stay at 100 songs and have truly the 100 greatest 1950s songs of all-time. This isn't a ranking by best songs, that's just too much work. As best as I can these are the 102 greatest 1950s songs.

I will also post other great 1950s songs by each band listed if motivated enough. As all of these artists are so much more than one of the 100 greatest songs of the 1950s. Yeah I'm going to try and do all the decades from the 1950s to now, some decades will be harder/easier than others. It's likely not all of these songs will still be around in the final edition of this decade's Top 102 Best Songs.

Over 7.3 million YouTube views  18) The Spaniels "Goodnight Sweetheart Goodnight":

24.5 million YouTube views. 19) Dave Brubeck Quartet "Take Five":

Over 4.3 million YouTube views. 20) Ray Charles "What I'd Say":

Over 9 million YouTube views. 21) The Chordettes "Mr. Sandman":

Only slightly over 33,000 YouTube views. 22) Bobby Day "Over and Over Again":

Almost 2.6 million YouTube views. 23) Bobby Day "Rockin' Robin":

3.7 million YouTube views. 24) Tennessee Ernie Ford "16 Tons":

Over 1.4 million YouTube views. 25) Frank Sinatra "Come Fly With Me":

Over 54 million YouTube views for one of the sexiest songs of all-time. 26) Peggy Lee "Fever":

I believe this is actually Jerry Lee Lewis singing, he's just doing it through Dennis Quaid. 27) Jerry Lee Lewis "Great Balls Of Fire":

28) Little Richard "Good Golly Miss Molly":

If I find more than 102 great 50s songs, this song may not survive this list. Over 106,000 YouTube views. 29) Bobby Darin "Early In The Morning":

Over 10 million YouTube views. 30) The Everly Brothers "Bye Bye Love":

Over 280,000 YouTube views.  31) The Everly Brothers "Bird Dog":

1.2 million YouTube views. 32) Fats Domino "Blueberry Hill":

34.5 million YouTube views. 33) The Everly Brothers "All I Have To Do Is Dream":

Over 1.8 million YouTube views. 34) Bobby Darin "Beyond The Sea":


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