Friday, March 4, 2011

"The Adjustment Bureau" is a sweet, sweet love story. What would you do for love?


Here's the trailer for "The Adjustment Bureau". This movie trailer does a very good job at hinting at what the story is without giving away too much. It's hard to believe such a great movie like this can come now in today's modern Hollywood.

The reviews for the "The Adjustment Bureau" have been lukewarm to say the least. I'd have to disagree with those reviews. This is a modern day movie that's more about story than explosions. Matt Damon (David Norris) and Emily Blunt (Elise Sellas) are both fantastic in this movie. The chemistry they have is amazing. Blunt is luminescent as a ballet dancer. I'd never thought of Blunt as a babe before and I can't even tell you another movie she has been in. However she looks exquisite and amazing in this movie. Damon is spectacular as well as a honest politician. (That's not always an oxymoron.) Whoever did the casting for this movie did it very well. I also love "Mad Men's" John Slattery.

It's one of those love stories that makes one wish they were in a relationship. And if one is in a relationship, it makes them glad they are in a relationship. I go through these weird phases where I'm not interested in having a woman in my life. But most of the time, especially after this movie, I really want a woman in my life. But that's something I'm not going to rush or force. When I do meet her I would love to see this movie with her. For me it's not about being physical it's just about having that companionship. It's about being with someone I love and who loves me. Someone to watch a movie with and talk about things. Someone that understands where I'm coming from, even if a lot of time they don't agree. It's having that person in one's life. As corny as it sounds, it's about making that soul to soul all encompassing love connection. I'm not asking for too much, am I?

Anyway ignore the reviews, definitely go see this movie. If you have a significant other, go see it with them. This is a movie that appeals both to women and men. However if you are one of those that want a lot of cheap sex, explosions and lack of story then this isn't the movie for you.

What would you do for love? I don't know if I would go to the extremes that David Norris did, but if I was chasing after Elise Sellas I just might. (Well assuming she was LDS as well.) Dear magical woman I hope you're out there and that we meet someday.

I like how the movie incorporated this very cool song into the story and by default becomes the under appreciated song of the day. Enjoy the song and the movie.


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