Friday, August 5, 2011

"Battlestar Galactica": The Mormonism of it.


Glen Larson is the creator of "Battlestar Galactica". Larson is also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The same church that is commonly referred to as the Mormons or LDS. One would have to be a member of the LDS Church or an expert on Mormonism to realize all the similarities between Mormon theology and "Battlestar Galactica". There are too many similarities for it to be a coincidence.

This isn't me proselytizing or a religious blog entry per se. Although if you are a big fan of "Battlestar Galactica" you know a lot more about Mormonism than you realize. Similarities include the Quorum of the Twelve. On "BSG" it's a leadership group of 12 people directly below their President, in this case President Roslin. In Mormonism, it's a leadership group of 12 men directly below their Prophet, in this case President Thomas S. Monson.

In "BSG" and Mormonism, both talk a lot about scriptures, prophets, destiny and prophecy. In "BSG" early in Season 2, there's 1/3rd of the fleet that leave to go back to Caprica and follow the leader of a break off group. In this case the leader is President Roslin. In Mormon theology Satan led a group of 1/3rd of the spirits in pre-mortal Heaven to rebel against our Heavenly Father. In Mormonism theology this 1/3rd of the people were lost and continue to serve Satan. In "BSG" Commander Adama brought the third back to the fleet.

The final similarity I've found so far is the planet Kolob. In "BSG" Kolob is the birthplace and original home of the human race. The word Kolob means "the first creation". In Mormon theology it is the name of the planet "nearest to the celestial, or the residence of God". That's straight from Bruce R. McConkie, one of the Quorum of the Twelve in the LDS Church before his death. The quote is found in his book "Mormon Doctrine". (I never thought I'd be quoting that on my blog.)

The following video shouldn't be very offensive to anyone. The song is sung by the BYU Choir and the video has a lot of Mormon theology in it. In this video there are also pictures of many of the current LDS Quorum of the Twelve. I'm surprised this video has 368,000 views, I'd guess a lot fewer views. It's also one of my favorite hymns "If I Could Hie To Kolob":

Of course there are also many dissimilarities between "BSG" and Mormonism, for instance there are no cylons in Mormonism. Or should I say there are no Mormon cylons.

Any mistakes in this blog is the errors of me and no one else. I used many references to confirm the accuracy of my writing. Among these the King James Version of the Bible, "Mormon Doctrine" and


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