Friday, August 19, 2011

Christine O'Donnell or Piers Morgan: Can't we do better than these two?


I usually stay far away from politics on my blog and in general. As a rule I hate politics, especially failed politicians. Politicians are about as loathsome as lawyers. However on I saw a video of Christine O'Donnell talking on the Today show. She's talking about walking off of the Piers Morgan show. Here's that link:

I thought the interviewer, Savannah, asked fair questions. But O'Donnell comes off looking bad again. She was trying to defend her actions for the below interview. She called Morgan's interview "borderline sexual harassment". Really asking questions that you raise in the book you are promoting is sexual harassment? O'Donnell said three times that Morgan needs the ratings even saying one time he's "desperate for ratings". That's hilarious because that's why she's on that show to get publicity for her book. In all honesty I doubt I would have heard of her book if she hadn't walked off his show. And Christine if I want to read fiction I'll read Stephen King.

Also Christine I can tell you have a high opinion of yourself, but if I were desperate for ratings I wouldn't ask you to be on my show. Christine you don't seem very intelligient, you aren't quick on your feet and you gave non answers to both Morgan and Savannah You also come off as extremely thin skinned. She doesn't rely on her gut or instincts. She said two times in her interview with Savannah about going with her gut. It makes me laugh she actually made a commercial where she said she wasn't a witch. How did she not know that was going to be a bad idea? The other time she said she didn't want to go on Piers Morgan's show, then why did you. Who's in charge of your life?

What has O'Donnell ever done where she has such a high opinion of herself? She claims she "remains a voice" and a leader. She hopes her book is "a rallying cry". Having not read the book, but having heard enough tea party propaganda I hope this serves as a rallying cry for the tea party to go away. She claims that people that have read her book call it "surprising and motivating". Yes, Christine it's very surprising that you can write a book, of course she had a ghost writer. (I don't know that for sure, but it seems highly likely after seeing her speak.) And the only thing motivating about her book for me is that I would be motivated to burn it as soon as I could.

Her appearance on Piers Morgan was wrong for so many reasons. First of all who is Christine O'Donnell? Why does anyone claim her as a spokesman? Is this really the best the tea party (republicans lite) can do? She's not well spoken, is defensive about her viewpoints and she keeps on trying to bring the conversation back to her book. She wants her book to be "inspirational". For whom I wondering? For inspiring other people who have nothing better to do besides writing crappy books? (For the record I probably agree with most of O'Donnell's views about sex. However I find her very off putting, she's not a very good advocate for her veiwpoints.)

It also disturbs me when she talks about the "second American revolution". What's this revolution against? A fairly elected President, is it against democracy? Any revolution that Christine O'Donnell is leading I want to run far away from. It was bad enough with the last Republican President, I can't think of how bad it would be with a tea party President. I hate the tea party.

Now Piers Morgan doesn't get a free pass either. He's an arrogant asshole and how he has a job in any form of media blows my mind. I love how he referred to himself as "charming". Really Piers? You are about as charming as kick in the head. He's certainly much more well spoken than Christine O'Donnell, but so is my 7 year old.

I did think all the questions that he was asking were completely fair. She talks about these sex related things in her book and she's on the show talking about her book. Christine if you appear on someones show they can ask you anything. Did you noticed it wasn't called the Christine O'Donnell show when you walked in?

It disheartens me that these two people have such a public forum. I'm all for people to make decisions on their own. People that need a political party to tell them what to think scare me. I especially hate those people who vote straight ticket for either party. Surely there are people in both parties that have good thoughts.

Also don't get me started on how bad the Republicans running for President as a group are.


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