Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Friday Night Lights" Season 1, Lady A's "Baby It's Cold Outside" (Updated 11/28/12)


This blog is for all of you who are sick of all my frustrated with the Dallas Cowboys blogs.

Thanks to my friends over at Comcast, I was able to watch the first 8 episodes of Season 1 of "Friday Night Lights". Comcast has a new feature called Stream Pix, it's a pretty cool feature. For only $5 a month Stream Pix gives access to many great classic TV shows and movies from the past. This isn't something I can't afford. However recently they allowed Comcast subscribers a free sample. They had season 1 of "Friday Night Lights" as one of the offerings.

Over the last few days I watched those first 8 episodes. All I can say is how did I miss this show when it was first on? The show is about football for heck's sake. I have no idea why I didn't give this show a chance at least.

Things I love about those first 8 episodes. Both the story telling and actors are amazing. And I have a big time man crush on Coach Taylor. As his quarterback Matt Saracen says about himself, he was stuck between doing what's right for the team and what's right. Coach Taylor has to do the same thing, except he has to do that for the whole team. I especially love the tough decision he had to make about Reyes. Reyes was a key defensive player, a player Taylor can ill afford to lose. Taylor needs every good player he possibly can get. Taylor's job is on the line, even though it's only his first season as coach. Unfortunately Reyes got angry and let that anger get the best of him. He beat up a student who mocked the football team.

In small town Texas, high school football is big time. As seems to happen in regards to football players, many thought that Reyes would get a pass. Again the whole doing the right thing for the team vs. doing the right thing. Clearly Reyes was in the wrong. Taylor and the devil, Buddy, went to the prison to talk to Reyes. Reyes lied about the incident to Coach Taylor. It was only after Matt Saracen went to Coach Taylor that Taylor learned the truth. Then in a very gripping scene Taylor kicked Reyes off the team. That's just one example of many of this show's great story telling touches.

Another great storyline is about the disabled athletes that are at Jason's rehabilitation center. "FNL" doesn't belittle them or their disabilities. These characters don't feel sorry for themselves, they also prevent Jason from feeling sorry for himself. Jason competes just as hard in the wheelchair sports as he did on the football field. As Jason's roommate says to him (paraphrasing) "Just because we are cripples, doesn't mean we have to accept crumbs."

Of course Taylor has more input from others than he wants. The angel on his shoulder is his lovely wife, Tami. The devil on his other shoulder is Buddy Garrity. Taylor balances all these competing interests very well. This balance creates many of "FNL's" defining moments. Truly it has Clear Eyes. Full Heart. Can't Lose. (They're right to not want Romney to use that phrase any more, that's not apt for politicians to use.)

The lovely Minka Kelly (just one of the many beautiful women in the history of this show):

Minka Kelly plays Buddy's daughter. She's stuck between the injured Jay and the rugged Tim Riggins. Wherever you are Minka Kelly I give you permission to eat several cheeseburgers. Kelly was named Esquire's 2010 Most Beautiful Woman.

"Friday Night Lights" is one thing I love, another thing I love is Christmas music. Here's one of my favorite Christmas songs. I love this Lady Antebellum cover of "Baby It's Cold Outside": (I love Hillary Scott's voice.)


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