Monday, November 26, 2012

"The Walking Dead" Episode "When The Dead Come Knocking"


I like reading recaps of my favorite shows on other websites. (I highly recommend the often hilarious recaps at They recap about 15 different shows.) But I also know if they run too long I tend to get bored and usually don't read the whole recap. Based on that, I try to keep my recaps relatively short.

As "The Walking Dead" heads to it's mid-season finale on December 2nd, this show continues to be amazing. Sadly the inevitable Prison-Woodbury clash looks like it's on it's way. Honestly I don't watch this show for human vs. human battles. I'm much more interested in humans vs. zombies, so I'm a little disappointed in that. Although I was pleasantly surprised that it only took one episode for Rick's group to find out about Woodbury and then to start scouting it. In the past it seemed like it would take 4 or 5 episodes to make the journey.

(Quick tangent: In "Revolution" the brother is captured by the militia and I read that would take 10 episodes to resolve that storyline. 10! That's crazy! Slow and boring story development like that is one of the main reasons I stopped watching "Revolution". And I haven't missed the show one bit. Tonight is it's fall finale. I'll be interested to see what the ratings are and if NBC will even bring this bad show back in the winter/spring.)

Is it too much to ask for the prison-Woodbury showdown storyline resolved in the mid-season finale? It would be great to see the end of the Governor storyline by the end of next week's show. That storyline has run it's course. For future reference, all I want to see is the adventures of Rick's group and how they continue to deal with the zombie apocalypse. They can add all the new characters they want, that needs to happen to keep the show fresh and exciting. But if I want to see human vs. human drama I can watch almost any other show. I don't know why zombies are so fascinating to me, but they are.

But other than minor quibbles like that, "The Walking Dead" continues to live up fully to it's potential. "When The Dead Come Knocking" was another great episode. One thing I really like about this show is how they use music to add to the intensity of each episode. I'm not sure what instrument that was making that thumping sound at the end of the episode, but that was a very nice touch. It added a very ominous feeling to the show. I think that "Lost" and "The Walking Dead" are the shows that use music the best in adding a vibe to their shows.

Anyway here we go: after a slight bit of mistrust, Rick's group accepted Michonne. From what the TV viewer knows about her she'll be a welcome addition. I think she can be trusted, but I'm not sure why they trust her so quickly. They don't know anything about her. When she appears at the fence this is the first time they've seen or heard of her. However relatively quickly it seems she was fully accepted into their group. Also Axel and Oscar seem to have been incorporated into their group, more people is exactly what Rick's group desperately needs. They are quickly running out of people.

Maggie and Glenn have been captured by the Governor. Rick, Michonne, Oscar, and Daryl went off to scout Woodbury. The only people left at the prison are Carl, Carol, Axel, Beth, Hershel and Judith, Rick's baby. I have a feeling that things really bad are going to happen at the prison while Rick's group is gone. Will Tyrese save the day for them? (For more info on Tyrese, see below!)

Merle is interrogating Glenn trying to find out where his camp is. He tries the soft sell, then beats him When those methods don't work Merle lets a zombie loose on him. Glenn has really come into his own as this show continues on. Glenn escapes the chair he's bound in and kills the zombie. Glenn is no longer the sneaky, ex-pizza delivery boy. He's a full on zombie assassin now! He may be kicking some human butt in the next episode as well.

The governor goes to interrogate Maggie, she also has become a butt kicker extraordinaire. She's smart enough to know when the Governor is playing good cop. She's also tough enough to not be intimidated by the Governor even when he forces her to strip. She retains enough of her goodness to cover herself and refuses to allow herself to stoop to his level. If you're going to mess with a daughter of Hershel, Maggie isn't the one you should pick. (Speaking of Hershel's daughters, I hope that Beth and Carl don't get together. That would be more than a bit creepy.)

Sometime this show relies a little too much on the convenient zombie gambit. But that didn't happen in this episode. It's good that when they head to Woodbury, they still run into a zombie horde. With literally billions of zombies left in the world, they will be constantly running into them. Although I'm not sure why they don't kill zombies when they can, like the lady zombie walking on the side of the road. Also the whole hermit living in a cabin by himself for over a year is completely unbelievable!

What is the red zone and why are there so many zombies there?

Rick and his three are surveying Woodbury. At the same time the governor is going to send out a small group to scout the prison.

At Robert Kirkman already said that a fan favorite from the comic book will be showing up in the December 2nd mid-season finale. Will it be Tyrese? I sure hope so. He would bring some much more muscle to Rick's group. Tyrese is also a cool character and a potential love interest for Michonne. At least in the comic books those get have some intimate encounters. How would they incorporate Tyrese into the show. I can almost guarantee that he'll come to the rescue of someone, but who will that be?

I won't be writing about Milton and his experiment with Mr. Coleman. That sort of seemed pointless. Also Sarah Wayne Cailles name continues to show up as a star of the show. Cailles plays the annoying Lori in the show. Hers was the only name that showed up of people no longer alive on the show. I so hope that this doesn't mean there will be any flashback scenes or a sign that she will be in the show in some form in the future. Also I'm glad they finally named the baby. Lil' Asskicker is now known as Judith. Thank goodness they didn't saddle the baby with the name Lori.


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