Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Live Blogging "AI" 4/15/08

Tonight I am live blogging "American Idol" for my daily blog. I will be a little bit behind as I DVR'd so I can skip the commericials.

Is it just my imagination or is Ryan Seacrest the biggest dork on the planet. He talked about the suprising departure of Michael Johns. He is now introducing Mariah Carey as this week's mentor.

First up is the lame David Archuleta, he is singing a sappy song to the squeals of 13 year olds. He sang the "Prince of Egypt" song. Randy said he was "the bomb". Paula rambled and then Simon complimented him. Please do not vote for him, he has to go. Sometimes he can't eat on performance night, does anyone really care?

Carly Smithson is up next, now here is someone that can sing and has personality. She is singing "Without You", a song that apparantally Mariah Carey covered. Listen to that voice, what a great voice and she has a personality. Randy said "pretty good, pretty good" and then Paula rambled. Simon doesn't think she pulled it off. Cowell called it an "okay version".

Syesha Mercado is up next. I really like her but I know a lot of people don't. Ryan is in the audience to introduce Syesha. Syesha is singing "Vanishing". How intimidating it would be to tackle a Mariah Carey song with Mariah Carey there. Again Mercado is delivering another solid performance. Sometimes she shouts when she should be singing, she is doing that too much in this song. Randy "did a good job." He also finally pulled out "pitchy". (What exactly does pitchy mean anyway?) Paula rambled, what is she is saying and why does it not make sense. Simon said it was "technically good". He said Arculeta is the one to beat. Please somebody beat him.

Up next is Kristy Lee Cook and the jabberbox Brooke White. She is looking good tonight, let's see if she sings well. She is singing "Hero" and she is doing it justice. This is the song I thought David Archuleta would sing, thank goodness he didn't. Brooke is really kicking butt on this song. She is getting a standing ovation. Randy said it was "pretty good". Paula then rambled. Simon said "the vital ingredient in your voice is not there". Simon is an idiot.

Kristy Lee is singing "Forever", a song I have never heard. She gave Mariah "goosebumps". Kristy Lee is definitely the smartest contestant left. However her countrified "Forever" is a little lame. The twang has to go. I am not enjoying this but hey at least she is gorgeous. Randy is lukewarm and Paula is rambling. Does she have the meat? Shut up Paula. Simon is giving his usually negative comments, he makes 40 million for this.

David Cook is up next. Since it is Mariah Carey week I am worried for him. What is he going to sing? He needs to rock out something like "Vision of Love" or "Someday". He is going to be singing "Always Be My Baby". Here goes, his voice is sounding good. Cue the violins. I love his version and he is really singing this well. Here comes the rock part. Hearing the full length version of this song will be interesting. Randy says he is "ready to make an album." Paula actually made sense. Simon says :"Karoke hell to a breath of fresh air." Mr Archuleta, here's the real David.

Jason Castro is up next. He might struggle. I thought the same thing about David Cook and he rocked it. "I Don't Wanna Cry" This arrangement blows, I am not impressed. It is starting to pick up though. Castro is okay tonight. Randy "didnt really like it." Paula rambled and Simon agreed with Paula. He is very effusive of Jason.

So who is going to be the bottom three, based on the last few weeks I think it is going to be Syesha, Kristy Lee and Brooke.

1 comment:

billiejean said...

Why all the bad vibes for Archuleta? His biggest challenges are his inexperience and age, but I have a feeling that he is a lot more of an artist than is coming across on AI. I think he is definitely playing it "safe" with the continuous onslaught of ballads, but I think with a little more experience he will come into his own and we will see it. I really like his inexperience because I think it is what the show should really be about. His voice is awesome and he will probably make more money in the next two years than you and I will likely see in the rest of our lives. And no I am not a 13 year old girl.

I am definitely a fan of David Cook. I watched his performance twice in a row thanks to DVR and loved it even more the second time. He has however, had a few performances that I have thought were weak. This doesn't stop me, however, from listening to his Billie Jean at least once a day. That song was awesome and I expect his recording that will be released tomorrow will be awesome as well.

Brooke white is very nice, but somewhat forgettable I think. I really like Jason Castro and I think you are totally biased as to the talent of Kristy simply because she looks amazing every week. Seriously, she is not that good, although I think she has gotten better. i am with you that Sayisha (sp?) is good. She just comes across a little distant on camera, but I think she is way stronger vocally than Carly who I won't really miss when she leaves us, hopefully, tomorrow.
