Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday music day

Hello friends,

First a couple of quick updates. According to their official website Guns 'N' Roses are currently in negotiations to release "Chinese Democracy". Now they have said several times that they were close to releasing this CD. But it still isn't out yet. So take anything you hear from their camp with a grain of salt. I am not really going to believe the CD is out until I have it in my hand. In a related note Velvet Revolver is looking for a new lead singer through the internet. Scott Weiland is more interested to sing with Stone Temple Pilots again. The reunited STP is going on tour this summer. Journey found their newest singer on the internet. If I remember right, Neil Schon was looking at videos on I believe Journey is up to their fourth lead singer.

Also according to Britney Spears is going to reprise her crazy secretary role on "How I Met Your Mother" in an upcoming show. She was kind of a secondary character in her first appearance on that show. I am not really sure what is going to happen with this character this time.

Tuesday's are traditionally when new music and movies come out. Here's a preview of some of the music coming out in the next couple of months. First of all this past week featured Mariah Carey's "E=MC2" (that 2 is suppose to represent squared). Also last week featured new music by Asia, the 80's band whose biggest hit was "Heat of The Moment". I think their other claim to fame is being the poster in the background in Steve Carrel's apartment in "The 40 Year Old Virgin". The poster helped reinforce the notion that his character was immature. Anyway Asia's new CD is entitled "Phoenix", an appropriate title.

Tomorrow we have new music by Flight of the Conchords, whose new CD is a self-titled CD. I have heard a couple of their songs and I am not impressed. However I know they are getting a lot of pub and hype. Also tomorrow another 80's band is dropping a new CD. That band being Whitesnake and the name of their CD is "Good To Be Bad". I think that is called self-fulfilling prophecy. This isn't a greatest hits collection, it is a two CD set of new music. This is their first new CD in 10 years, I know the world has been aching for their comeback.

Two of my favorite artists have new CD's out on April 29th, that would be Madonna and Def Leppard. Again both artists who had most of their success in the 80's and also both of these new CD's contain new music. Madonna's new CD is titled "Hard Candy" and the new Def Leppard CD is titled "Songs From the Sparkle Lounge". Two other CD's of note that same week is Mudcrutch's self titled CD. What you have never heard of Mudcrutch? Either had I but this is one of Tom Petty's first bands. They are also touring this summer as well. Also Phil Stacey's debut CD is out. He is the bald singer from Season Six of "American Idol". (Clay Aiken and Ace Young also have new music out soon, but I will spare you the details.)

Other artists with new music coming out over the next few months include the great "Death Cab For Cutie". Also we have the Foxboro Hottubs (remember Green Day doing garage rock!), Pink Floyd, Jewel and Alanis Morisette. Also Jakob Dylan has a solo CD out on June 10th, "Seeing Things". The son of Bob and the lead singer of the Wallflowers-when they are together. Also one more title of note, Martha Wainright has a new CD coming out. I do not know anything about her, but her CD is titled "I Know You Are Married, But I've Got Feelings Too". I just included that because that title is so funny. Now I am hoping that none of these CD's will be as expensive as gas prices.

Also to give you an idea of what kind of music I listen to, here's a sampling. Out of the about 140 songs I listened to today, here's the Top Five based on the number of times I have listened to them. (I will just let you know that I do not listen to music the same way I did about 10 years ago. Thanks to the genius of iTunes I usually listen to music randomly, about 90% of the time.) 1) "Rock 'N' Roll" by Led Zeppelin: 19 times. 2) From the "Evita" soundtrack: "And The Money Kept on Rolling In" by Antonio Banderas and Madonna. This song has 17 listens. 3) "Rock The Boat" by Hues Corporation: 13 listens. This is a 70's song that I have always liked. 3tied) "Feels Like Home by Chantal Kreviazuak: 13 listens. This comes from one of the greatest CD's that you never have heard, "What If It All Means Something". 5) "Ask" The Smiths. One of the greatest bands of all time. (Apparantally Morrissey turned down $200 million to tour with his old bandmates this year.) 5tied) "Together" by Sytx: 12 listens. This is from their underappreciated CD "Cyclorama".

Those are some of my most listened to songs, now here's some of the songs I heard today that I really like. In no particular order: "Shout At The Devil" (Live)- Motley Crue, "Strange Feeling" Michael Burks. (This is a piece of kick butt blues) and "Sex Is Not The Enemy" Garbage. Other great songs include: "She's Got Baggage" John Fogerty, "Wait It Out" Tift Merritt, "Rock the Casbah" The Clash, "Blinded By The Light" Manfred Mann, "Destination Unknown" Missing Persons and "Misty Mountain Hop" Led Zeppelin. Also I quite like the 5 songs that were on my most listened to list as well.

That's it for today, again if you have anything you would like me to check out please let me know. Leave a comment or e-mail me at
(It's a long story why I have such a long e-mail address.)

Ciao, themusicaddict

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