Saturday, April 26, 2008

Updates, "AI" singers debut CD's


According to several websites, Amy Winehouse has been arrested. She has had frequent problems with the law. So has her husband, who has been accused of beating her at least once. Winehouse has been accused of "suspician of assault".Winehouse is best known for her hit song "Rehab" from her second CD "Back To Black". While "Rehab" is a good song, her best song is "You Know I'm No Good". Ironically after saying she wouldn't go to "rehab no, no, no" she did. She appeared at this years Grammys via video hookup from England. That is where she is from and where she is undergoing rehab. (yes, yes, yes)

Also according to website, the Eagles "Long Road Out of Eden" has actually sold 7 million copies. That is pretty impressive. One other CD of note, AC/DC's "Back In Black" has sold 22 million copies. That is the first CD they made with Brian Johnson, after the untimely death of original lead singer Bon Scott. The rumors are that AC/DC is in the studio recording their final CD. Also they say their next tour will be their farewell tour. That means they will only go on tour 3 more times after that.

For those of you that haven't been able to find it and desperately need to buy William Hung's "She Bangs", I have good news for you. You now can go to iTunes and download it right now. You can also buy Kristy Lee Cook's debut CD as well. The title of the CD is "Devoted" and you can download it now for $8.99. I was surprised in that it is a lot better than I thought it would be. There are some originals on it as well as she sings covers of "Stand By Your Man", "Blue", and a countryfied version of "Unchained Melody". On you can get a 30 second preview of each song. This song is not available on iTunes.

Two other "AI" CD's/downloads of note 1) Brooke White's 2006 CD "Songs from the Attic" is available for only $29.99. You can't preview her songs though and this CD is not available for download on iTunes. 2) Carly Smithson released her first CD way back in 2001 when she was known as Carly Hennessey. The CD is titled "Ultimate High". You can get this download on both iTunes or for $6.99. This CD was highlighted by the Wall Street Journal as the difficulties of the music industry. According to that article this CD sold a combined total of 378 CD's in it's first three months of release. It cost her record company $2.2 million dollars to produce and promote the CD. It roughly cost her record company $5820 for each CD it sold. Also the cover of both these CD's both Hennessey and White have been sexed up. I find that ironic in that Brooke White is the "G rated nanny".

Also here is a song you should add to your collection: "Samsonite Man" by Alicia Keys. It is from her CD, "The Diary of Alicia Keys". It is a great song.

that is it for now, themusicaddict

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