Friday, June 10, 2011

"Super 8", Great songs


I went and saw "Super 8" today, it was a good, but not great, movie. I went and saw this movie on opening day, before I found out all the secrets. This show had a very "Stand By Me" feel. I thought that before mentioned it. Many people probably had that thought though. It reminded me of old time movies, meaning the 80's, in how the tension was built. It's very clever. The movie is directed by JJ Abrams, who apparently is wanting to kick off a wave of nostalgia for late 70's music. There are several classics featured in this movie including songs by ELO, Blondie and The Cars.

Here's a couple of songs from the movie. I loved the scene when some of the kids were singing The Knack's "My Sharona". Oh boy if their characters had any idea what they were singing about.

This was a song that played twice in the movie, ELO's "Don't Bring Me Down":

The movie also featured songs by the Cars, Blondie and some disco. I wish I would have kept better track because the songs were important in capturing the time period.

The thing that stuck me the most was the previews before the movie. Talk about a lack of originality. All the previews were for movies that are sequels or are based on comic books, except for one. The sequels include the latest Harry Potter movie, isn't this about the 25th movie in that series? Also previews for "Breaking Dawn" Part 1, I think that's about the 20th movie in that series. Then there was also the awful looking "Transformers 3". "Transformers 2" was one of the worst movies ever and they still made a sequel?

The comic book movies included "Captain America", which reminds me a lot of "Wolverine". Then the only original, using that word very loosely, idea was the new Kevin James movie, "Zookeeper". However that movie seems like "Night at the Museum" set at a zoo. In terms of movie quality, this has been an awful spring and early summer. It also doesn't look like things will be getting any better soon. Thank goodness for books.

Just one quick sports note, Auburn University is giving Gene Chizik a $1.3 million dollar raise. I love that, karma is coming for Auburn finally. Chizik won't be looking like such a genius next year when he doesn't have Scam Newton running his offense. Then in a few years the BCS will be stripping Auburn of it's "national title". This raise to Chizik in hind sight is going to look like a very bad deal for Auburn.

I went into my local record store, Graywhale Music, to pick up Def Leppard's new live CD "Mirror Ball". However not only did they not have it, they didn't know anything about it. They checked for me and said it wasn't out yet. I know it's out because I listened to it on the other day and I could buy it from right now. I felt like I was at Wal-Mart in their so-called music area. I was very disappointed by that, customer service and music knowledge is the only thing keeping independents in business. When they lose that it hurts their chances very much in staying in business. Also their selection was horrible today. A few hours later I went to Wal-Mart and bought "Mirror Ball" for only $11.88. If you even only like Def Leppard a little, you need to add it to your collection. Two of the best concerts I've ever seen are bu Def Leppard, these CDs capture that about as well as possible.

I would like to dedicate the following song to Graywhale Music:

Other great songs:

I did want to include a video for the song "All Lies" by Quarterfly. However I couldn't find a video for it. If you are trying to get your music out to people, it's good to have all your songs with videos at youtube. You never know when some blogger might come along and want to feature one of your songs. :)

Two classics by John Parr. "Naughty, Naughty":

The Toadies "Possum Kingdom".

One of the most addictive songs of all-time. Okay the lyrics make no sense. It's pop music, it doesn't need to make sense. Wallflowers "The Difference":


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