Tuesday, June 14, 2011

themusicaddict's Book Club for June, 2011 is Robert Matheson's "I Am Legend" (Updated 12/23/12)


Hopefully this doesn't come off as too ridiculous but I've decided to start a book club. Since I like to fly off on a whim, I'm not going to announce each selection too far ahead. For June, the first book club selection is Robert Matheson's "I Am Legend". Yes, the same book that was turned into the 2007 Will Smith movie.

I've only read to page 117, but here are some questions for you to think about. I don't really expect to get any responses, but one of my favorite things to do is to talk with others about books etc. I would like to at least start a bit of a reading interest.

7 quick questions.

1) Robert Neville thinks he's the only person left in the world. What would you do if that was you? If you were being stalked by vampires or anything would you want to live or to die?

2) After 10 months of isolation he finds a dog that hasn't been infected. Over several weeks he gets the dog to trust him. Then something happens to the dog, what would this do to your morale?

3) Neville is in isolation and is lonely for female companionship. He has desire for the female vampires, who would kill them if he ever got near them. Do you find that believable or logical?

4) The author is still alive. If there were any questions you could ask him, what would they be?

5) "I Am Legend" was released in 1954. It seems safe to say that Matheson was writing this book in the early 50s. Some of the world events going on at that time include recovering from World War 2. Also the Korean War occurred between 1950-1953. Matheson's vampires don't resemble the traditional vampires of Stoker etc, why did he choose different characteristics for vampires from Stoker's model? (Should we call them Stokerian vampires?) Also the early 50's was the beginning of the end for polio. Neville is searching for a cure for vampires. What of these things mentioned above, do you think influenced his writing? Were there any other events that may have influenced his writing?

6) There are several differences between the 1954 book and the 2007 movie. Do you like the changes the movie made? What's better the book or the movie?

7) Is Bookclub one word or two words?


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