Monday, November 21, 2011

"Citizen Kane", "The Walking Dead" episode "Secrets" This episode should have been titled "Convenient Zombies". (Spoiler alert)


I had the opportunity of watching one of the greatest movies ever with an old friend Saturday night. That film being Orson Welles' "Citizen Kane". It's a movie that deserves all the praise it has received over the years. Even though I know the end, it still kills me every time when we finally find out what Rosebud is. Not only a great movie but one of the best endings ever. If you haven't seen it check it out.

Now let's go to something that's not so great, "The Walking Dead". Last night was the second season, episode 6 "Secrets". Not only is this the sixth episode of this season, it's also the sixth episode of the boring Sophia hunt. Really wasn't there someone in the writer's room (as Robert Kirkman calls it) that said "hey having 6 episodes devoted to this one story line with a minor character might not work?" It should be noted this boring story line isn't in Kirkman's graphic novels. That's one more point in favor of Kirkman's superior graphic novels. This show can drag out a boring story line like no one's business.

Some people think that Sophia is one of the zombies in the barn. I disagree with that as Hershel is wanting to get Rick's people off his farm. If she was a zombie, I'm sure he would let them know so he can get rid of them. Again I don't understand why Hershel is in such a hurry to get rid of Rick and his people. Is he hiding something else? Hasn't he heard the whole safety in numbers saying?

What is he going to do when the zombies get out of the barn? Why is he so against having guns on his farm. Is he crazy, is he suffering some early onset dementia? He's clearly living in the past and somehow thinking the guns will attract zombies. His people want to learn how to use guns so obviously not all of his people agree with his approach. He's Norman Rockwell in the zombie apocalypse.

Thankfully Carl is up and doing well and at least one boring story line has been retired. Carl wants to learn how to shoot and even has found a gun that he's carrying with him. He's becoming a person of action. He's not one of the characters who are the over talkers like his Mom or more and more his Dad. I really dislike Sarah Wayne Cailles, who plays Laurie Grimes. She's a terrible actress. This whole Carl learning to shoot incident brought out more of her bad acting. Her character is so boring and doesn't bring anything to the show. Is Carl learning to shoot leading to something similar to the end of the first "Walking Dead" graphic novel?

I'm not liking what's happening to one of the best characters, Glenn. At the start of this episode his character is so dumb, unbelievably dumb. He's nervous about having all these secrets. He acts nervous around others even if they aren't asking him any questions. In an earlier episode he didn't know what a pregnancy kit was. Really? Part his stupidity is how annoying he is with Laurie for not telling Rick she's pregnant. Why didn't she have Maggie get the kit, perhaps a woman would be more sympathetic?

The Laurie hiding her pregnancy story line has gone on for 3 episodes, although it finally seems to be resolved now. Rick now knows she's pregnant although he had to find empty cases of morning after pills to do so. Just another stupid thing from Laurie Grimes' character. Obviously this was an idea by the writers for her pregnancy to create as much drama as possible. Unfortunately it had the opposite effect, that story line dragged on for too long. Also she finally admitted that she and Shane hooked up when she thought Rick was dead. Thanks for clearing that up Laurie.

Next to Laurie the next most annoying character is RV owner Dale Horvath. Again in the graphic novels he's a far superior character. Both Dale and T-Dog hopefully will become zombie food soon. Dale is the Meddling Millie of this show. He's always sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong. I'm surprised someone hasn't capped him already. He has three important scenes in this episode. The first is he confronts the clueless Hershel about keeping zombies alive in the barn. (Again one of the dumbest story lines in this whole series.) Hershel keeping zombies in the barn, yeah that's not going to come back and literally bite them. Also with seemingly few weapons how do Hershel's people get the zombies in the barn? I'm guessing there's no logical explanation and that's why it hasn't been explained.

Also Glenn told him about Lori's pregnancy and the zombies in the barn. Later Dale needlessly talks to Lori about the fact that she's pregnant. Although it's none of his business again he intrudes. What does he hope to accomplish with his nosiness and why does Laurie put up with his questions?

Finally Dale confronts Shane about Shane's vague story about the death of Otis and also how Shane had held a gun on Rick previously. Again what is his purpose and what does he hope to gain from confronting Shane? And why do we as an audience have to be subjected to these three similar scenes featuring possibly the worst male character in the whole series?

I know Dale is one of those characters that's suppose to bring tension to the show. Too bad though his character is so uninteresting. After all this is a show about ZOMBIES, not about nosy, whiny people. It's the end of the world and I will whine is his favorite R.E.M. song I'm guessing.

If he's not the most annoying male character it's got to be Hershel. On a limited level I understand why Hershel feels for these former family members that are now zombies. But on a much more rational level why doesn't he kill the zombies? When they escape, he knows that they aren't going to spare him. If the zombies get out of the barn they are going to have Hershel for lunch. What is going on in his thought process? Since Hershel's people haven't had to kill zombies Maggie doesn't bring a weapon with her when they go back to the pharmacy. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who expected her to be attacked by a zombie. I love that the previous time they went to the pharmacy they had sex and were in no rush. These zombies only come at convenient times.

As in the graphic novels Andrea has become quite a marksman. After training her to shoot, Shane tries to get into her head. He's purposely trying to rattle her for when the targets are moving towards her. She gets mad, leaves and starts walking down the road, Shane drives up to her. (Again all alone in the woods with no signs of of the convenient zombies.) He asks her to help him to follow a lead on Sophia. They go to a deserted neighborhood. Of course they don't find Sophia and that story line moves to at least a 7th episode. Shane and Andrea find a whole bunch of zombies, Andrea gets to put her newly learned shooting skills to use. At first she freezes and misses her first couple of shots. Shane can help her but doesn't as he wants her to learn to defend herself. However her newly learned skill clicks and she shoots the zombie quickly approaching her. She enjoys it so much she keeps on killing zombies.

On the way back to Hershel's farm she grabs Shane's manhood and they stop and have sex. Again no zombies attack, maybe zombies are scared off by the smell of sex? They previously were close to being attacked, but out in the woods now they are safe enough to have sex? We know these woods are full of zombies when it's convenient to the story line. Heck they will even attack your leather shoe if you are laying on the ground. Again rolling my eyes at the absurdity of some of this shows lack of logic.

Next week is the 7th episode of the season. Following that episode there will be a 2.5 month break until the remaining six episodes are shown. In all likelihood the zombies will get out of the barn next episode. Hopefully as in the graphic novels that will be the impetus to get Rick and his people back on the road. If next week's episode is as bad as most of the first 6 episodes are, I wonder will anyone be back for the final 6 episodes?

This show needs to uncover it's inner zombies and have more action. It also needs to stop having the conversations about living in the zombie apocalypse and whether it's worth it or not. That conversation has been held about 3 times already. Laurie is usually involved in those.

I don't think this show will ever live up to it's potential and it's a shame.

Some questions: Can we either find Sophia or give up on her already? What is the show going to do with T-Dog? (thanks He's another of the whiny characters. Why wasn't there more of Daryl in this episode? He needs to be the main character for the rest of this season. This show needs his can do attitude and proactive stance. He's the zombie killer extraordinare. Can Laurie stop whining so much
and boring us with her many lame thoughts? Please. Can this show please have some of these lamer characters be zombie food next week? Also is there anyway we can bring John Locke to this show?


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